Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale
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Social Anthropology's new submission portal
EASA's journal is moving from Wiley to Berghahn. All those wishing to submit new articles should not use the
ScholarOne system on Wiley's site, but instead go to this new portal.
Publishing with us
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale is the journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA). Like the association, the journal strives to facilitate exchange and debate among anthropologists, and between academia and the wider world. The editorial team and the advisory board envision SA/AS to be a platform hosting interventions into any debate that animates current anthropology and that contours its possible futures. To that end, the journal accommodates a variety of formats, from stand-alone research articles over special issues all the way to review articles and book reviews. In order to foster lively, discipline-defining exchanges, the editorial team now also welcomes themed sections and debates.
Across all these publication formats, the journal is committed to cutting edge research. Successful research articles - either stand-alone or parts of collections - build on fieldwork in all parts of the world, pursuing any conceivable modality of research. They develop rich data sets into ambitious and theoretically innovative interventions into current or classic debates. To secure academic rigour as well as innovative character of all output, the journal makes full use of a double-blind peer review system. Publication projects are overseen by an enthusiastic editorial team, bringing diverse expertise, regional affiliations and career stages to the journal, supported by dedicated staff at Berghahn.
The journal is fully committed to inclusive approaches and pushes these on all levels. That means that we actively seek to diversify the group of authors and reviewers in terms of gender, geographical location, affiliation or career stage. It also means that the journal is now fully open access (OA), making all its articles accessible to everyone.
About the journal
SA/AS (ISSN 0964-0282) appears four times a year (in February, June, September and November) with four parts forming a volume.
SA/AS publishes articles in English and French which are selected by a process of peer review. Selection is anonymous and based solely on a manuscripts' innovative interest to the theory, methodology and / or practice of anthropology. The journal has been ranked category A in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH). The articles are complemented by book reviews, and successive reviews editors have taken especial care to match books and reviewers across European boundaries.
The journal was published by Wiley Blackwell Publishing from 2007-2021 and moved to Berghahn in 2022. The journal has achieved subscription status at all major University Libraries in Europe, North America, and most of Australasia. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale is the most widely circulated anthropological journal of European provenance.
SA/AS is the acclaimed Journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, the major professional organization for anthropologists in Europe. While European in profile, this leading Journal has a global scope. It publishes key contributions by both established and up-and-coming anthropologists. As part of the intellectual vitality of the Journal, it also features an exciting Debate in every issue, an important Review Essay which discusses outstanding books in adjoining disciplines or in public debate from an anthropological point of view, and a thriving Book Reviews Section.
EASA Editorial Advisory Board
Monica Heintz (University of Paris Nanterre, France)
Mariya Ivancheva (University of Liverpool, UK)
David Mills (University of Oxford, UK)
Chandana Mathur (University of Maynooth)
Cris Shore (Goldsmiths University, London)
Sharon Macdonald (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Fiona Murphy (Queen's University Belfast)
Chowra Makaremi (CNRS/EHESS)
International Editorial Advisory Board
Adam Yet Chau (University of Cambridge, UK)
Ammara Maqsood (UCL)
Andrew Dawson (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Andrew Shryok (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Arne Harms (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Caitlin Zaloom (New York University, USA)
Chris Gregory (Australian National University)
Der-Ruey Yang (Nanjing University, China)
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Gabriella Coleman (McGill University, Canada)
Gisela Welz (Goethe University, Germany)
Hanna Cervinkova (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
Hastings Donnan (Queen's University Belfast, UK)
Helena Wulff (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Hugh Gusterson (George Washington University, USA)
Jean-Sébastien Marcoux (HEC Montréal, Canada)
Josiah Heyman (University of Texas at El Paso, USA)
Mark Maguire (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
Martin Lamotte (L'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, France)
Morten Axel Pedersen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Nicholas de Genova (University of Houston, USA)
Niko Besnier (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Nitzan Shoshan, (Colegio de México, Mexico)
Olivier Allard (L'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, France)
Paolo Favero (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Paul Wenzel Geissler (University of Oslo, Norway)
Peter Geschiere (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Sarah Green (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Segei Abashin (European University at St Petersburg, Russia)
Sophie Chevalier (Universite de Franche-Comte, France)
Stephen Campbell (University of Toronto, Canada)
Susana Narotzky (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Todd Sanders (University of Toronto)
Victor Buchli (University College, London, UK)
Yael Navaro (University of Cambridge, UK)
Printed journal
With the journal becoming fully Open Access, the previous system of members being able to opt-in to receive a printed version of the journal is no longer available. The journal is not printed.
Online access
Online access to Social Anthropology is now via Berghahn's platform. To access the journal, you must be a current member. Please go to: and enter the email address associated with your EASA membership. For any access issues, please contact Berghahn: orders(at)
(2022- ) published by Berghahn
(2007-2021) published by Wiley Blackwell
(1992-2006) published by Cambridge University Press