Teaching anthropology network
The Teaching Anthropology Network was established in 1996 in Barcelona and is one of the oldest EASA networks. The aim of the network is to stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas about teaching anthropology across Europe. We do this through arranging conferences, workshops, publications etc. around teaching and learning anthropology.
The professional lives of European Social Anthropologists cover a wide terrain, but teaching is an important common denominator to which many devote a great deal of time, energy and creativity. It is through teaching and learning that new generations of anthropologists are formed under conditions that are constantly evolving: student enrolment has increased, fieldwork sites and topics are becoming more varied, and university reforms affect the environment of teaching and learning.
The Teaching Anthropology Network (TAN) aims to focus discussion on the problems and potentials of teaching and learning anthropology in the twenty-first century. It organises and publicises events, and provides information about relevant resources and publications. Read more about the network's background.
A useful way of receiving news is to subscribe to the mailing list - EASA members and others interested in teaching and learning anthropology are invited to subscribe.
Follow and share our postings about teaching Anthropology on our Facebook page
If you have suggestions, ideas or comments about TAN activities, please contact the network Convenors.
TAN Convenors
Giovanna Guslini (Formerly of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy) g.guslini(at)gmail.com
Mary Hallin (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA) mhallin(at)unomaha.edu
Marzia Balzani (New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE) mb4412(at)nyu.edu
Mimina Pateraki (Hellenic Open University, St Andrews/UK, Greece) mimina.paterakis(at)gmail.com
TAN Board members
Annika Strauss (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany) annika.strauss(at)uni-muenster.de
Shukti Chaudhuri Brill (New York University, Paris, France) shukti.cbrill(at)nyu.edu
Lorenzo Cañás Bottos (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) canas.bottos(at)ntnu.no
Lavinia Bertini (University of Sussex, UK) L.Bertini(at)bsms.ac.uk
Guillermo Vega Sanabria (The Federal University of Bahia, Brazil) guillermo.sanabria(at)ufba.br
Jakob Krause-Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark) jakj(at)edu.au.dk
Ivan Kwek (National University of Singapore) ivankwek(at)nus.edu.sg
Niki Alsford (University of Central Lancashire, UK) njpalsford(at)uclan.ac.uk
John Loewenthal (SOAS, University of London, UK) jl137(at)soas.ac.uk
Karvileena Deka (PhD Scholar, Gauhati University, India) karvideka97(at)gmail.com
Evelyn Reuter (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany) evelynareuter(at)gmail.com