16th EASA Biennial Conference
New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe
21-24 July 2020 in Lisbon
ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and ICS-Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
Field/Works. Kaleidoscopic activities between anthropology and art

ANTART, (Anthropology and the Arts) is committed to advance the scholarship, discussion, and presence of anthropological approaches to the arts and of artistic approaches to anthropology. It seeks to build on its existing network of scholars, artists, and institutions to continue its exchanges with cultural production venues, building links between the university and other public or civil society initiatives.
For EASA2020, this objective has taken the form of an online exhibition, as well as a conference panel (P023), which will unfold in an offline version in Lisbon during September 2021. The exhibition has been curated in relation to the theme “field/works”, and presents works by anthropologists and artists who break disciplinary boundaries, and whose practice foregrounds experimental and open approaches to the theme.
"Field/works" the exhibition has been curated by Jen Clarke, Anna Laine and Maxime Le Calvé, in collaboration with Fernando Dias and Jorge dos Reis. Together, the organising committee of the ANTART (Anthropology and the Arts) network and the FBAUL (Faculty of Fine Arts) at Lisbon University will also host the physical exhibition in 2021. The online exhibition will be presented in an interactive space, open to inputs from EASA members and beyond, and will be activated with various features during the conference and the coming year.
The online exhibition opens at 7pm 20th July on Zoom, with a guided virtual tour and discussions with participating artists and special guests. From the opening night and onwards, you will also be able to enter the exhibition through the conference website. We warmly invite your (virtual) presence and inputs (perhaps with your exhibition-opening drink)!
Finally don't forget the ANTART network meeting on Monday at 11am (UTC+1).