Message posted on 10/09/2024

Cfp for IMISCOE 2025 Panel: Ghostly Scripts: How algorithms impact the lives of migrants and transborder workers

Dear Group Members,

We are putting together a panel on algorithms for the next year's IMISCOE
conference in Paris. The deadline is on 23 September, and thus, we ask all
those interested to send us their 250-word abstracts by 17 September. Thank

*Ghostly Scripts: How algorithms impact the lives of migrants and
transborder workers*

In an era dominated by data and technology, algorithms have emerged as
critical decision-making tools, profoundly shaping the experiences of
migrants and transborder workers. From border control systems and asylum
applications to social services and employment screenings, algorithmic
processes have become gatekeepers of opportunities and justice for those
crossing international borders. Yet, these digital mechanisms often operate
invisibly and, seemingly like ghosts, influence lives without transparency
or accountability.

This panel will explore how algorithms, while often touted for efficiency
and impartiality, frequently perpetuate biases, exacerbate inequalities,
and render migrant communities and transborder workers vulnerable. Key
questions will include: How do algorithms reinforce or challenge existing
power dynamics at borders? What forms of discrimination arise from
algorithmic profiling, and how can they be mitigated? What ethical
standards and preassumptions stand behind algorithmic programming? How do
migrants navigate and challenge the opaque and often dehumanising systems
of automated decision-making? Finally, how do we best research algorithms
beyond looking at the effects of their functioning?

Our panel aims to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue that interrogates the
ethical and practical implications of these systems. Ultimately, we seek to
uncover pathways for creating more just and equitable algorithmic
infrastructures, ensuring that migrants are treated not as data points but
as individuals with rights and dignity. We also aim to further the
discussion on research methodologies that allow to decypher ethics,
preassumptions and processes beyond algorithm creation, making them less
=E2=80=98ghostly=E2=80=99 and more understandable.

We are looking for papers for our panel. If interested, please send a
250-word abstract to Piotr Goldstein by 17


Dr Piotr Goldstein

Just published:

Goldstein, Piotr, and Yaron Matras. 2024. =E2=80=9CLanguage as a diasporic =
Polish in a migrant urban space.=E2=80=9D Journal of Ethnic and Migration S=

My earlier work on: everyday activism
migrant activism
and practices of diversity

My ethnographic documentaries:
Active (citizen) | Sp=C3=B3=C5=82dzi=
elnia /
Cooperative | Upcoming: Seeding change
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