Events of the Pilgrimage Studies Network

Upcoming Events

The Sacred Sea: Religious Practices in Maritime Context

Zadar, 2-5 May 2024
University of Zadar, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology
Pilgrimar project of Croatian Science Foundation

Representations of boats and ships in temples and tombs and their connection to the divine have been present in the Mediterranean context since humans 'set sail.' Already in the late Neolithic period the inhabitants of Malta and Gozo constructed places of worship along the coast which contained depictions of sea creatures. The Caananites also worshipped the god, Yam, who represented the sea, while among the Levantines the god, Astarte, had a special place among seafarers, and Greeks worshipped Poseidon, the god of the sea. Although many holy figures connected to the sea were male, goddesses were also common throughout the Mediterranean (Gambin 2014: 4). In ancient Egypt the cult of the goddess, Isis, was connected to boats and sea (Canney 1938) and in Roman times there was a twin cult of Isis-Sarapis that was respected by seafarers. Navigium Isidis, a Roman festival in honour of the goddess Isis, was held in early March to open the sailing season. [...] View full Call For Papers

With this conference we want to gather scholars interested in both past and present religious practices within a maritime context, so that we can discuss, combine and compare different approaches, problems and perspectives towards the study of the connection between saints and the sea. We do not want to focus on any particular geographical and religious context, or moment in time, and we welcome different disciplinary approaches.

The deadline for sending abstracts is January 15, 2024, and a decision about accepting a particular proposal will be made by January 31, 2024.

Participation fee is 50 euros that covers daily refreshment and field trip to maritime pilgrimage in Nin.

Organizing Committee:
Mario Katić
Adriana Pojatina
Petra Valovičić
Mirela Hrovatin
Karmen Turčinov
Trpimir Vedriš
Ante Blaće
Tomislav Klarin

Scientific Committee:
Dionigi Albera
Marion Bowman
John Eade
Josip Faričić
Marijana Belaj
Michael McDonald
Mario Katić

Invited speakers: Dionigi Albera, Marion Bowman

Interested participants are asked to send a paper title, paper abstract (max 300 words) and short CV (max one page) to
We look forward to your proposals!


Past Events

PilNet Workshop: From Antistructure to Infrastructure
New Materialities in Pilgrimage Studies
26-27 May 2023
Simon Coleman, U of Toronto and Clare Hall;
Richard Eden Suite, Clare Hall, Herschel Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AL

EASA2022 conference panel P167:

The Transformation of Pilgrimage Studies: Moving Beyond Dominant Paradigms at EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons, Belfast/UK. 26-29 July 2022.
Convenors: Mario Katić, John Eade

"Pilgrimage and the Politics of Presence and Absence: Anthropological Horizons on Sacralizing Locality, Visibility and Invisibility in the Contemporary World" &
"Pilgrimages in Times of Pandemics. Crises, Regulations, Innovations"

Aix-en-Province, 23-25 September 2021

EASA2020 conference panel P013:

Coleman, Simon and Mesaritou, Evgenia (convenors): Pilgrimage and the Politics of Presence and Absence: Anthropological Horizons on Sacralizing Locality, Visibility and Invisibility in the Contemporary World Panel at EASA2020: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, Lisbon/Portugal. 21 - 24 July 2020.

PILNET 2019 Workshop
Approaching Pilgrimage: Methodological Issues Involved In Researching Routes, Sites and Practices
4th-6th September 2019, Zadar

This workshop aimed to create a facilitative environment for the discussion of the different approaches towards pilgrimage but also, more importantly, setting the stage for future pilgrimage research.

Download the workshop program A4 format pdfhere
Download the workshop program as a foldable booklet pdfhere

The Pilgrimate Studies Network convened a panel entitled "Changing Face of European Pilgrimage" at the EASA2018 conference in Stockholm, Sweden.

Visit here to see the panel abstract.