Message posted on 10/01/2025

CFP: Panel on sensory methods, Helsinki, 16.-18.6.2025

Call for papers The Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society will take place in Helsinki, Finland, 16 - 18 June 2025. The call for papers is now open

We invite proposals for our panel:

Tensions and Comparisons: participant observation and sensory methods In the practice and imagination of anthropology as a discipline, participant observation has long been at the core of how anthropologists collect their data, and how anthropological knowledge is created. At the same time, while the sensory turn has been gaining much attention recently, its constituent "novel" methodological approaches (e.g. ecoacoustics, visual ethnographic methods) themselves have rather long historical roots. In this panel, we elaborate on what is actually gained by including sensory methods in the anthropological toolkit. How does the data generated by these approaches compare with traditional, "ordinary" ethnographic research? How much should anthropologists experiment with sensory methods if emulation metrics are still based on written publications? Is classical participant observation still the very essence of anthropology, or it is simply one point of departure for a discipline that needs to continuously evolve. The panel welcomes papers that elaborate on "tra ditional" and sensory ethnographic practice, comparing and contrasting distinct methodological approaches and experiments.

Yours, Mari Korpela and Roger Norum,

Dr. Mari Korpela university lecturer/ yliopistonlehtori docent/ dosentti (sosiaali- ja kulttuuriantropologia) Faculty of Social Sciences 33014 Tampere University Finland tel. + 358 50 318 6131 e-mail:

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