The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) is a professional association open to all social anthropologists either qualified in, or else working in, Europe.

The Association seeks to advance anthropology in Europe by organizing biennial conferences, by editing its academic journal Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, its Newsletter and the two publication series. The Association further encourages and supports thematic networks.

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EASA 2024 Logo 18th EASA Biennial Conference EASA2024: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology
University of Barcelona, 23-26 July 2024
The conference will be hosted by the Department of Anthropology of Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Catalan and Spanish anthropology have been historically peripheral to the big schools of anthropological research, but in the last decades they have experienced a considerable development, and established an open dialogue and strong ties with European and Latin American anthropology. Read more here >>


Field/Works II - Generating Ecologies of Trust. Call for Submissions is open.

The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) is encouraging members to participate online and digitally to the conference this year. As part of the online activities, the convenors of EASA are delighted to announce a call for artworks for the online exhibition project, Field/Works II: Generating Ecologies of Trust, curated by ANTART members Maxime Le Calvé and Jen Clarke. We invite artist-anthropologists to submit multi-modal works that resonate with the theme. Submissions are due 14 June, 2024.

red padlock on black computer keyboard by FlyD Phishing Scam Alert
There are phishing emails circulating this year pretending to be a conference accommodation booking service. This appears to be a widespread problem, impacting a number of conferences this summer.
We do NOT book accommodation for conference delegates, so please delete these emails on receipt and do not, under any circumstances, share your card details.
The scammers appear to be using several email addresses such as support(at), sometimes hidden behind a conference-related name. All genuine conference communication will originate from email addresses only: conference(at); membership(at); registration(at)
NB! This is not a data breach - the phishers appear to be picking off the names of accepted authors on the conference website and then finding email addresses on institutional websites.

EASA Logo Call for candidates for the EASA Working Group on Human Rights and Academic Freedom
In April 2024, EASA members voted on a motion to create a Working Group on Human Rights and Academic Freedom: 761 members voted (37% turnout), with 708 (93%) voting in favour, 29 (3.8%) voting against, and 24 (3.1%) abstaining. Following this overwhelmingly favourable vote of the EASA membership, we have opened a call for candidates for the Working Group on Academic Freedom and Human Rights. Deadline: 22/05.

EASA Logo EASA seeks applicants for roles of Secretary and Treasurer
EASA seeks to appoint a new Secretary and Treasurer from Autumn 2024. These are important and influential roles in which you’ll shape EASA’s long-term future. You will work closely with the President and elected EASA committee to support the association’s strategic priorities. Read about the Secretary post and the Treasurer post and apply before 9 May.

EASA LogoEASA allocates conference funds to offset carbon footprint
EASA allocated just over £7k from the EASA2022 conference budget, to offset the carbon footprint caused by delegate travel (the largest aspect of the event's footprint). These funds have been donated to The Woodland Trust, going towards supporting projects in Northern Ireland, including their most recent appeal, Mourne Park.

EASA Logo EASA writes expressing concern about the pressing situation facing scientific research in Argentina
The executive committee of the EASA, has written to the Argentinian Government which has decided to abolish the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation and to freeze the funds of the country's main research organization, CONICET Read the letter in full.

EASA logo EASA writes defending academic freedom and Prof. Ghassan Hage
The Executive Committee of EASA wrote to the President of the Max Planck Society and the Executive Director of the MPI to express its deep concern about the recent statement issued by the management of the Max Planck Society in Germany regarding Prof. Ghassan Hage. Read the letter.

Euro Anthro Day Europe Anthropology Days
As part of its public anthropology initiatives, EASA consulted its members in 2020 and decided at the July 2020 AGM to hold an European Anthropology Day, on the model of the European Archaeology Days first celebrated in 2019. The project was postponed during the pandemic and relaunched in 2022 in collaboration with European national associations. This led to the choice of three annual European Anthropology Days, to be held for the first time over 15-17th of February, 2024.

EASA Logo EASA Executive Statement on the situation in Gaza
The executive committee of the EASA calls for an immediate ceasefire and immediate humanitarian relief for the people of Gaza, and a commitment from Israel and all governments to a peace process that deals with the historic inequalities, injustice and structural violence in the region. Read the full statement.

EASA Logo CATCH-UP with two EASA webinars:
EASA - ReMO Webinar: Mental Health in Academia
EASA marked World Mental Health Day 2023 by holding a webinar together with the Researcher Mental Health Observatory (ReMO) to raise awareness on mental health in academia. Read the description in full and watch the recording.

Social Anthropology and ERC funding
EASA ran a webinar with SH3 panel coordinator Lionel Thelen and successful ERC StG grantees and EASA members Maddalena Gretel Cammelli, Tessa Diphoorn, and Elżbieta Drążkiewicz. Read the description in full and watch the recording.

EASA Logo EASA writes supporting repatriation of human remains in Trinity College Dublin collection to Inishbofin, County Galway
The executive committee of the EASA, writes at the invitation of the Trinity Legacies Review Working Group, requesting the return of all human remains contained in the College’s Haddon-Dixon Collection to their descendant communities. Read the letter in full.

Mantas Kvedaravičius portrait - credit MFA Luthuania Mantas Kvedaravičius Film Award
EASA established this film award in 2022 with the winner announced at the conference. Read more about the award, entrants and winner.

Mantas Kvedaravičius portrait - credit MFA Luthuania EASA Integrity Committee Statement on Sexual Harassment and bullying
The IC has written a statement on sexual harassment and bullying within higher education. Read the full statement.

EASA logo - Ukraine version Useful links of support resources for Ukrainians
The Executive Boards of SIEF and EASA have cooperated to disseminate information on support, scholarships and jobs offered to Ukrainian scholars at risk. View this list of opportunities, advice and resources received from various parts of Europe. If you have new/additional information please contact us via the email cited there.

For older news items see our news archive page.


For Network events - look to the right sidebar on this page.

New networks

Creative Anthropologies Network (CAN)
The Creative Anthropologies Network (CAN) carves out new creative spaces for both established and early career anthropologists to encourage experimentation and radical innovation in the production, representation and performance of ethnography. With a strong focus on literary, performative and visual anthropology, CAN seeks to build on existing interactions, and develop new collaborations, between anthropology and the creative arts within and beyond academia.
Read more here>>>

European Network for Digital Anthropology (ENDA)
The European Network for Digital Anthropology (ENDA) aims to provide a space and connections for scholars of all career levels bringing together interests ranging from digital heritage, energy, big data, social media, artificial intelligence, sensory and multimodal anthropology, digital visual communication, digital economies and inequalities and algorithmic governance.
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Anthropology of Surveillance Network (ANSUR)
The aim of the ANSUR network is to provide a space to bring together anthropologists examining ideas and practices of surveillance, as broadly conceived. Surveillance has been studied in many forms by political anthropologists, digital anthropologists, and medical anthropologists among others, but has not yet been subject to an integrated conversation across the discipline.
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