EASA conferences
EASA organises biennial conferences for the European anthropological community.
18th EASA Biennial Conference
EASA2024: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology | University of Barcelona | 23-26 July 2024.
Interested in hosting a conference?
The application procedure for hosting EASA's biennial conference is as follows:
- The host institution has to be a Department of Social or Cultural Anthropology, or the equivalent thereof, connected to a University.
- The person submitting the application must be a member of EASA.
- The application consists of:
- Letter of approval from the President/Rector of the University acknowledging institutional support;
- Letter of approval from the Head of Department acknowledging support of the unit;
- Details of the charges the institution will levy for the use of the venue;
- Short description of the premises: size of the largest hall (for Opening Ceremony, Keynote, Plenary Sessions, Round Tables, Members’ Forum and Closing Ceremony), number of lecture and seminar rooms for workshops and various meetings;
- Short description of the accommodation situation: In particular cheap places for members who are in economic need;
- Applications can be submitted three years ahead of the Conference (i.e. in 2025 for the 2028 EASA Biennial Conference). Applications should be received at least four months before the start of the preceding conference (i.e. four months before EASA2026 for EASA2028).
- Applications should be sent to the Secretary of the Association (address below)
- The Executive Committee will decide after hearings with possible candidates, at the latest by the end of the preceding EASA Biennial Conference (i.e. in 2026 for the 2028 Conference).
- The Executive Committee, however, is free to approach a candidate of its choice.
Please note the following:
- EASA requires NomadIT to be used for creation and maintenance of the conference website and administration of the workshops, paper submissions, registrations, meetings, receptions, and all other activities.
- EASA will provide financial support towards travel and accommodation for delegates in need - dependent on the Association's current financial situation.
- NomadIT’s conference work travel, subsistence and accommodation should be paid for out of the conference budget.
- Travel and accommodation of the EASA executive committee to and during the conference, should be paid out of the conference budget.
- EASA does not normally accept the payment of salaries for secretarial work in the conference budget.
- Each conference requires the following committees:
- Scientific Committee: consisting of the Executive Committee and some members of the Local Committee.
- Local Committee: constituted by the person locally responsible of the Conference organisation. The size should not exceed eight persons.
- The conference budget will be created and managed by NomadIT and the EASA treasurer, in consultation with the Local Committee/representatives, with the conference fees ultimately determined by EASA Exec.
- The conference should be structured as follows:
- Theme: proposed by local committee in agreement with the Executive committee.
- Opening Ceremony: EASA President and Head of Local Committee;
- Keynote speech: speaker proposed by local committee in agreement with the Executive committee.
- Opening Reception: organised by the Local Committee;
- Plenary sessions (preferably in the morning): organised by the Local Committee in agreement with the Executive committee.
- Panels and laboratories: an open proposal process; selected by the Scientific Committee;
- Network meetings: organised by the Network convenors;
- EASA Members’ Forum (AGM): at the end of each Conference, organised by the EASA Executive Committee; only for EASA members;
- Closing Ceremony: EASA Executive Committee and Head of the Local Committee; for all delegates and conference collaborators;
- Final Dinner Party: organised by the Local Committee.
- Other meetings and receptions:
- EASA Executive Committee with the Local Committee.
- EASA Executive Committee with EASA book series publisher.
- EASA Executive Committee with the Network Convenors.
- Reception of EASA Executive Committee for Presidents (or their representatives) of national and regional Anthropological Associations (late afternoon or evening): organised by the Executive Committee;
- Publisher of EASA book series reception: organised and covered by the Publisher;
- Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale reception: organised and covered by the Publisher.
- Further spaces required:
- A room for EASA Executive Committee meetings and hearings.
- A large space for registration desks, and a room close by for the NomadIT office.
- A publisher exhibition space in the main Conference area.
- A theatre for the film programme.
- Wifi internet access (username and password).
- EASA rules for biennial conferences:
- Convenors and speakers must be EASA members.
- In special circumstances, the EASA Executive Committee may attribute the status of “special guest (speaker)” which allows a presenter not to be a member of the Association: applications must be submitted to EASA's conference administration.
- EASA two-role rule: delegates may not fulfil a similar role in two or more sessions (e.g. speaker in more than one session); but delegates may be speakers in one session, convenor in another one, and discussant in another one;
- All panels must have two convenors whose institutional affiliations are from different countries;
- Convenors are requested to guarantee a balance of participants according to the country of institutional affiliation.
- Accommodation should be made available to meet the needs of different incomes and interests.
- Food provision (and restaurant information) should take into consideration the various dietary requirements of delegates.
Any queries should be sent to NomadIT on conference(at)easaonline.org.
Applications should be sent to EASA's Secretary, Monica Heintz on monica.heintz(at)parisnanterre.fr.