Contact us

For membership issues, email Elaine Morley:
For conference issues, email Triinu Mets:
For website issues, email Jaan-Eerik Somermaa:
For social media, email Rowena Harding:
For the journal, email the Editors: Dimitra Kofti and Isabelle Rivoal
For book reviews, email Arne Harms
For EASA book series, email Annika Lems, Sabine Strasser and Jelena Tošić:
For financial matters, email the treasurer, David Mills:
For general enquiries contact the secretary, Monica Heintz:

EASA is a Charity registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: c/o RAI, 50 Fitzroy St, London W1T 5BT, UK
Company Number: 05181210
Registered in England and Wales
Registered Charity Number: 1108186