EASA Newsletter No 60 September 2013 
The newsletter is now available as an email, webpages and PDF. Click the headings below to view full articles in your browser, from where you can print or share them on Facebook and Twitter. The PDF format remains for members who like to archive offline.
Letter from the President
It has been a busy few months at EASA and the executive committee: The conference proceedings for EASA2014
starting in Tallinn, our journal, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, is thriving, we have a new EASA
book series editor.
September – October 2013
You are invited to a virtual seminar pilot project - a collaboration of four
anthropological associations, EASA/ABA/AAA/CASCA.
Date of live event: 15th - 16th October 2013.
EASA2014 Collaboration,
Intimacy & Revolution
- innovation and continuity in an interconnected world
31st July - 3rd August, 2014 Estonian Humanities Institute, Tallinn, Estonia. EASA's next biennial conference
will take place in the beautiful capital of Estonia next summer. The CfPan opens in mid-October. Read the theme.
Facebook and Twitter
We are delighted to announce that over the past six months we have witnessed a considerable increase in the
number of people following our Facebook and Twitter accounts. For news on EASA’s activities and Networks, as
well as general anthropological reportage and information, follow us at: twitter.com/EASAinfo
and www.facebook.com/EASAinfo
New Book Series Editor
We are delighted to announce that Eeva Berglund is replacing James Carrier as editor of EASA’s book series. Eeva
is Docent (Adjunct Professor) in Environmental Policy and Urban Studies at the University of Helsinki.
Networks news
Read news from some of our vibrant networks: Anthropology of Law and Rights, Peace and Conflict Studies in
Anthropology, Anthropology and Mobility, Mediterraneanist and the brand new European Network for Queer