EASA Newsletter No 78 March 2021
Table of contents
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1. Outgoing President's Letter

Sarah Green bids farewell to EASA members with some reflections over the past two year term on the Exec.
2. New exec committee

With elections over a new team takes over leading the association. Learn more about them.
3. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale goes Open Access

The membership voted on whether to move the association’s journal to Open Access production by Berghahn. Read the outcome.
4. Echoes on PrecAnthro webinar and report

The findings of the survey of members, looking particularly at precarity and workload, were published at the end of 2020.
5. Funding for networks activities 2021

Decisions have been made over the funding for network events for 2021, along with the creation of some new networks.
6. Call for applications for the Integrity Committee

EASA are setting up an Integrity Committee to provide independent review relating to issues of academic integrity raised by EASA members.