13th EASA Biennial Conference
Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution
- innovation and continuity in an interconnected world
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University,
31st July - 3rd August, 2014
Throughout the conference
The Laboratory stream is the first attempt in the history of EASA’s biennial gatherings to provide sites for producing and presenting ethnographic work beyond text-based conventions. The Labs will run in parallel with panels, all through the nine panel sessions. Read more here.
Publisher fair, Terra and Astra buildings
Come and browse the book titles and meet your publishers: Berghahn, Bloomsbury, Brill, Combined Academic Press (CAP), HAU, LIT Verlag Berlin, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Pluto Press, Sean Kingston Publishing, Sociologus, and Taylor & Francis.
Anthropology of the Middle East and Central Eurasia (Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China) (AMCE) Film programme, A-543
The EASA AMCE network has arranged its own film programme, which runs from Thursday to Saturday lunchtime. Read more here.
Thursday 31st July
Keynote and opening reception, Estonia Concert Hall, 18:00-19:30
The keynote will be given by Elizabeth Povinelli,
entitled 'Downloading the Dreaming? All of it extinguished but none of it dead?'
Abstract: The Australian Karrabing Indigenous Corporation was founded in 2009 in the wake of most dramatic change in federal policy toward Indigenous people since the 1970s. In the wake of a sex panic pertaining to the abuse of children in Indigenous communities, the Australian federal government declared an emergency intervention in Indigenous governance that, in effect, ended the era of so-called self-determination and inaugurated a neoliberal approach to land management focused on land development and mining. The Karrabing Indigenous Corporation was founded to explore how contemporary green digital technologies might be mobilized to create a revenue stream while maintaining their understanding of a living responsive landscape. This talk explores contemporary theories of immaterial capital (Negri) and critical climate change through their endeavour, unpacking in the process the shift underway in late liberalism from a biopolitical to a geontopolitical form of power.
Welcome drinks reception, Estonia Concert Hall, 19:45-22:00
After the keynote lecture, EASA and the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of EHI, TLU invite you to stay on for the drinks reception, to enjoy wine and delicious snacks while listening to a musical programme provided by the Tallinn University Chamber Choir and the jazz band Trio Comodo. The Chamber Choir of Tallinn University was founded in 1997. Initially the choir of the Department of Culture, it became one of the University's representative groups in 2002. The choir singers are students and University alumni from over ten different academic departments and the singing repertoire varies from Renaissance music to contemporary masterpieces. Trio Comodo is an Estonian ensemble formed by three brothers who all play various instruments: when performing classical pieces, they use mainly the flute, the violin and the cello. For pop and jazz, they add the tones of the guitar and keyboards.
Friday 1st August
WGF grants workshop, M-134, 13:00-14:00
The Wenner-Gren Foundation is a unique organization whose primary goal is to support the discipline of anthropology worldwide. The Foundation has a variety of grant programs aimed at funding research and building an international community of anthropologists. This workshop introduces the Foundation's basic programs, in particular its programs to fund original research (at the dissertation and Post-Ph.D. level) and give advice and tips on what the Foundation is looking for in a research project to help you write a more competitive proposal.
Network convenors' meeting, (invite only), M-328, 13:00-14:00
A chance for EASA President, Networks Liaison officer and the network convenors to meet and discuss issues arising and plans for the future.
Pluto reception, Publisher space, Astra foyer, 17:30-18:00
Come and join the editors and authors of Pluto’s Anthropology, Culture and Society book series! We are celebrating the publication of four new books: The Making of an African Working Class by Pnina Werbner, Flip-Flop: A Journey Through Globalisation's Backroads by Caroline Knowles, Dream Zones: Anticipating Capitalism and Development in India by Jamie Cross and The Anthropology of Security, edited by Mark Maguire, Catarina Frois and Nils Zurawski. Wine and nibbles provided.
Network meetings, 18:00-19:30
The following networks will hold meetings, to which all interested are welcome to attend - both those already in the network and those interested in possibly participating in their future activities.
Africanist (Room A-007)
AMCE - Anthropology of the Middle East and Central Eurasia (Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China) (AMCE)
(Room S-233)
Anthropology of International Governance (Room M-328)
Anthropology and Mobility network (ANTHROMOB) (Room T-305)
Anthropology of Economy Network (Room M-224)
Anthropology of law and rights (Room M-133)
Europeanist network (Room A-018)
Media anthropology (Room S-243)
Medical Anthropology network (Room T-304)
Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality (NAGS) (Room T-409)
Peace and conflict studies in anthropology (PACSA) (Room M-342)
Teaching anthropology (Room M-340)
Salsa night at Cubanita Live Café, Narva mnt 5, 20:00-
Cubanita Live Café, located a short walk towards the centre from the Tallinn University advertises itself as the “most Estonian of all Latin American restaurant-clubs in the world, and the most Latin-American of Estonian restaurant-clubs”. We have reserved the club for EASA delegates keen on dancing to Latin American rhythms. As the venue can accommodate 150 to 200 people, entry will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Saturday 2nd August
'Getting published: meeting the editors of SA/AS and the EASA book series, A-121, 13:00-14:00
EASA Book Series editor and Journal editors will hold a session regarding how to get your books/articles published.
Sociologus - Journal for Social Anthropology Reception, Publisher space in Terra (University Assembly Hall – T-324), 13.00-14.00
Please join the new editorial team of Sociologus - Journal for Social Anthropology for snacks and drinks to celebrate the re-launch of our journal. Sociologus is an internationally known, peer-reviewed journal for social anthropology and was founded in 1925. It is dedicated to empirical research on cultural diversity, social processes, transformations and contrasting forms of social relations. It has no fixed topical or regional focus, but concerns itself with the comparative interpretation and explanation of human behaviour. Sociologus publishes original articles, as well as reviews on books, exhibitions and ethnographic films. It also features a column dedicated to debating matters of controversy and discussing issues of general and theoretical concern. Special issues are regularly published. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all authors and reviewers for their collaboration.
Members' forum, A-002, 14:00-15:30
All members are invited to attend and discuss the items on the agenda, although only Full/Honorary/Founder members may vote.
If you are unable to attend but wish to vote via proxy you may do so, using this form (Word). You should complete this, sign it digitally, rip it to PDF and email it to easa(at)nomadit.co.uk at least 48 hours before the meeting. (Or print, sign and mail in the more traditional manner.) Your proxy may then vote on your behalf at the the meeting, having identified themselves to the EASA administrative team (who assist with the vote counting).
Brill reception, Publisher space, Astra foyer, 15:30-16:00,
Brill invites EASA members and conference delegates to gather around their book stand and partake of a glass of
wine to celebrate Brill’s recent publications in anthropology:
States at Work. Dynamics of African Bureaucracies Edited by Thomas Bierschenk and Jean-Pierre Olivier
de Sardan
Travelling Models in African Conflict Management. Translating Technologies of Social Ordering edited
by Andrea Behrends, Sung-Joon Park and Richard Rottenburg .
Berghahn reception, Publisher space in Terra (University Assembly Hall – T-324), 17:30-18:00
Come, meet the editors and celebrate with a glass of wine the publication of two new collections in anthropology by Berghahn: Tourism Imaginaries, edited by Noel Salazar and Nelson Graburn and Anthropology Now and Next: Essays in Honor of Ulf Hannerz, edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten and Shalini Randeria.
Network meetings, 18:00-19:30
The following networks will hold meetings, to which all interested are welcome to attend - both those already in the network and those interested in possibly participating in their future activities.
Anthropology of Religion (Room A-018)
Applied Anthropology network (Room S-243)
Disaster and Crisis Anthropology Network (Room T-304)
European Network for Queer Anthropology (ENQA) (Room T-409)
Anthropology of Security (Room M-342)
Mediterraneanist Network (MedNet) (Room A-007)
Visual Anthropology (VANEASA) (Room M-340)
Sport and public diplomacy: world in e-motion (hosted by the British Embassy in Tallinn), British Ambassador’s Residence, Kose tee 57, 19:35-22:15
The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of TLU EHI, with the British Embassy in Tallinn are organising a 'sports and public diplomacy evening' to celebrate collaboration, revolution and intimacy in a different fashion from the goings-on in the conference venue. The event will offer 5-a-side football, table tennis, chess and a mini-cycle tour - although the activities are subject to change. For more info and to RSVP, contact Fran Martínez (fran(at)tlu.ee).
Sunday 3rd August
Lunch for representatives of other anthropological associations, A-046, 12:40-13:40, (by invitation only)
The EASA President will meet with presidents/representatives of other anthropological associations (by invitation)
The American Ethnologist crosses the Atlantic, A-002, 15:30-15:50, (starts immediately after the end of Plenary C, in the same room)
American Ethnologist, published by the American Ethnological Society of the American Anthropological Association, will be edited outside of the United States for the first time in its four-decade history. Incoming editor Niko Besnier (University of Amsterdam) intends to takes this opportunity to increase the international nature and reach of this eminent journal, including the acceptance of manuscripts in languages other than English. This presentation outlines some of these plans.
Conference banquet, Seaplane Harbour, Lennusadam, Vesilennuki 10, 19:30-22:00
The Conference banquet will be held at the Maritime Museum in Seaplane Harbour (Lennusadam), a truly extraordinary, spacious and wonderful venue that combines ancient heritage with technologies of the future and connects the sea with the sky by displaying maritime history in renovated seaplane hangers. In addition to many other prizes, Lennusadam has been awarded the Europa Nostra 2013 Grand Prix for cultural heritage. The EASA2014 banquet will take place in the museum, right in the middle of the exhibits. The banquet meal will comprise 3 courses (starters, main dishes and dessert), served as a buffet, accompanied by wine. The food is of modern Estonian/Nordic cuisine, and all special dietary requirements are considered in the variety offered. There will be musical entertainment provided at the banquet: the Seto folk choir “Sõsarõ” and the folk dance group "Soveldaja" will perform and invite delegates to join in!
The Setos (Seto: setokõsõq, setoq, Estonian: setud) are an autochthonous ethnic and linguistic minority in south-eastern Estonia and north-western Russia. Setos are mostly Seto-speaking Orthodox Christians; along with Orthodox Christianity, vernacular traditional folk religion is widely practiced and supported by Setos. There are approximately 15,000 Setos around the world. The bulk of Setos, however, are found in the Setomaa region, which is divided between south-eastern Estonia and north-western Russia. The singers of the folk group Sõsarõ are ethnic Setos living in Tallinn. The aim of the singing-choir is to keep the authentic leelo, the instrumentality and ethnic roots of Seto. Currently the choir consists of 12 singers and three of them also play musical instruments. Since 1973 the choir has performed in Germany, Finland, Sweden, Russia and the Ukraine.
The Tallinn University folk dance group Soveldaja was founded in the middle of the 1980s, and their first instructor was the late legendary Estonian dancer and choreographer Mait Agu. Currently Helen Reimand leads the group and has also arranged some of their dances. Estonian folk dances have elements of commonality with the folk dances of other North European nations and they are not exactly quick or acrobatic, so everyone is encouraged to try their leg at a bit of line- or circle-dancing…
Please note that the banquet is an optional extra costing €45, and can be either booked when completing/amending online conference registration or bought from the NomadIT office during the conference.
There will be shuttle transfer organised to the banquet at Lennusadam from Tallinn University and back; the buses will pick up banquet guests at 19:00 from the parking lot in front of the Mare building; and will start back for the university at 22:00.
Conference final party, Astra foyer, 21:30 onwards
The farewell party of EASA2014 will be held in the Astra building of the University. Estonian folk-fusion band Paabel will be performing; later, anthropologists of the Tallinn social and cultural anthropology department will show their well-honed DJ-ing skills.
Paabel consists of six diverse musicians who combine Estonian traditional music and their own creativity into the context of contemporary music. The band which was formed in the spring of 2007 has managed to create a unique world in their arrangements where time-honoured traditions, contemporary sounds and improvisational freedom meet. Similarly to a collage where the whole is created from fragments, the different musical languages of the members of Paabel form a unique harmony in their music. Paabel’s music consists of old instrumental tunes, runic songs and original compositions, which are all get intertwined onstage.
The entrance to the farewell party is free for ALL delegates.