Medical Anthropology Young Scholars (MAYS)
MAYS was founded in 2009 as a sub-group of the (then) Medical Anthropology Network to create a peer network for MA students, PhD candidates and junior scholars with an interest in Medical Anthropology. Coordinated by two PhD students, MAYS aims at connecting scholars at the beginning of their careers, providing feedback and support, and facilitating collaborations between students and early career scholars at different institutions in Europe and beyond.
The main activity of MAYS are the annual meetings taking place at a different university in Europe each year. These meetings provide a space for early career scholars to present their work among their peers and discuss current issues in medical anthropology from a young scholars’ perspective. The meetings usually also include a keynote and workshops by senior scholars, e.g. on academic writing, different research methods, or other skills relevant to medical anthropologists.
Apart from the annual meetings, MAYS maintains a Facebook group and a mailing list to connect our members and to share news, job postings, CfPs, and information on scholarships. In 2022, MAYS has began hosting peer-meetings on topics of interest to MAYS members. These groups meet once every 1-2 months for informal discussions and are open to all.
To find out more about our activities, have a look at our website, sign up for our mailing list, join our Facebook group, and/or follow us on Twitter!
You can contact us directly at mays.easa(at)
List of past events (for more information and conference reports, click here):
2022: 13th Annual MAYS Meeting, “Anthropological Approaches to Healthcare Crises”, University of Utrecht
2021: 12th Annual MAYS Meeting, “Medical Anthropology for all? Changing anthropology in the pandemic world”, University of Warsaw
2020: 11th Annual MAYS Meeting, “Medical Anthropology and Its Others: Disciplinarity and a field in motion”, The Graduate Institute of Geneva
2019: 10th Annual MAYS Meeting, “Medical Anthropology in Action”, University of Turin
2018: 9th Annual MAYS Meeting “Creative Methods and Participatory Arts Research in Medical Anthropology”, Freie Universität Berlin
2017: 8th Annual MAYS Meeting “Medical Anthropology beyond Academic Borders”, University of Edinburgh
2016: 7th Annual MAYS Meeting “Intergenerations, Temporalities and Medical Anthropology”, University of Lisbon
2015: 6th Annual MAYS Meeting “Emotions in/and Medical Anthropology”, University of Amsterdam
2014: 5th Annual MAYS Meeting “Peer-to-Peer Aid”, Freie Universität Berlin
2013: 4th Annual MAYS Meeting, University Rovira i Virgili Tarragona
2012: 3rd Annual MAYS Meeting, Université Paris Oueste
2011: 2nd Annual MAYS Meeting, University of Warsaw
2010: MAYS Workshop, University of Oxford
2010: 1st Annual MAYS Meeting, Freie Universität Berlin