Anthropology of History and Heritage (NAoHH)

Network rationale

The Network of an Anthropology of History and Heritage (NAoHH) encompasses research that examines how ‘history is cultural’ (Sahlins 1984). It addresses an anthropology of history, history making and historicities (Hirsch & Stewart 2005, Stewart & Palmié 2016, 2019) i.e., ways to understand and experience time and temporality in ethnographic and anthropological research. NAoHH complements other EASA Networks and will facilitate discussions that span anthropological subfields and foci (e.g. religion, migration, language, media, arts etc.).

The network will address varieties of historicities including relationships to future and present and the role of memory and imagination. It emerges from the need to respond to the intensification of attention to the past in popular movements and political debates as well as in academia. It will encourage the development of anthropological perspectives in public debates around history-making, archives, and heritage.


Links: Twitter, Youtube - to be added

Administration and officers

The aims and intentions of NAoHH are a collaborative manifesto generated out of a roundtable and a meeting at the 2022 EASA conference.

Network convenors: