15th EASA Biennial Conference
Staying, Moving, Settling was the theme of the 15th EASA biennial conference which was hosted by Stockholm University, in the picturesque Swedish capital situated between the Baltic Sea and Lake Mälaren. The conference comprised four days of panels, labs, plenary discussions and more from 14 to 17 August 2018.

Conference programme
Download the 'printed' conference programme here:
Attendees can download a signed, headed PDF certificate of attendance via the login link above - look for the 'C' icon alongside your registration.
Watch the keynote and plenaries videos in the playlist below:
Shahram Khosravi is Professor of Social Anthropology at
Stockholm University and the author of the books: Young and Defiant
in Tehran, University of Pennsylvania Press (2008); The
Illegal Traveler: an auto-ethnography of borders, Palgrave
(2010); Precarious Lives: Waiting and Hope in Iran, University
of Pennsylvania Press (2017), and After Deportation: Ethnographic
Perspectives, Palgrave (2017, edited volume). He has been an
active writer in the Swedish press and has also written fiction.
Helena Wulff (Stockholm University), Lotta Björklund Larsen
(Linköping University)
Scientific committee
Marcus Banks (University of Oxford), Lotta Björklund Larsen
(Linköping University), Ayse Caglar (University of Vienna), Martin Fotta
(Goethe University Frankfurt), Sarah Green (University of Helsinki),
Valeria Siniscalchi (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales,
Marseille), Miguel Vale de Almeida (University Institute of
Lisbon/Centre for Research in Anthropology), Helena Wulff (Stockholm
Local committee
Anna Gustafsson, Johan Nilsson, Helena Wulff, Erik Olsson and
Gabriella Körling (Stockholm University); Lotta Björklund Larsen, Else
Vogel and Anette Wickström (Linköping University)