Notes for contributors
Authors should submit their papers to Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale online through Open Journals Systems, open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project. To submit your manuscript online, please visit the Submissions page.
If for any reason you cannot use the online system, please contact the journal editors at saas(at) Articles should be no longer than 7000 words, including references and notes, but excluding the abstract. After the first round of revisions, the word limit can be increased to 8000 words.
The document must be set at the US letter standard size. The entire document (including notes and references) should be double-spaced with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides and no extra spaces between paragraphs. A 12-point standard font such as Times New Roman is required for all text, including headings, notes, and references. All pages except the cover sheet should be consecutively numbered, starting with 1, to appear in the bottom right hand of each page.
The SAAS style guide is based on the New Oxford Style Manual and New Hart’s Rules, with some deviations for house preferences. Please note that the journal uses UK punctuation and spelling (including a preference for –ise over –ize endings), following The Oxford English Dictionary. UK English (not American English) spelling should be used in English articles except in quoted matter which should follow the original. Any unusual characters or diacritics should be flagged by placing the entire word in red type.
The cover page should provide the title of the article, complete contact information for each author (mailing address, phone number, and email), biographical data of approximately 100 words for each author including an ORCID, a total word count, the number of tables and/or figures included, and any acknowledgments. Affiliations and email addresses will be posted online for indexing/abstracting purposes.
The article must include an abstract of 125 words and 5 to 8 keywords. Abstracts are a very important part of the submission and therefore require careful wording. Keep in mind that reviewers decide whether to accept an invitation to review based solely on the title and the abstract. The abstract should not duplicate the text verbatim but rather include the research question or puzzle, identify the data, and give some indication of the findings and main arguments. Keywords should be drawn from the content and not duplicate the article title, listed in alphabetical order, and separated by commas; only proper nouns should be capitalized.
Paragraphs should be left justified with a single tab to begin new paragraphs, and sections to be divided with a space. Subheadings should be typed flush left without preceding numbers or letters. Use bold type for an A head (a main text heading). Use bold italic for a B head (a first-level subheading). Use non-bold italic for a C head. Quotations: single inverted commas should be used except for quotations within quotations, which should have double inverted commas. Quotations of more than about 100 words should be set off from the text with an extra line of space above and below, and typed without inverted commas
Linked Endnotes should be used.
Location of the endnotes: at the end of the document
Endnote numbering: consecutively numbered, starting with the number 1 (not Roman numerals).
We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting. EndNote reference styles can be searched for here.
Reference Managaer reference styles can be searched here.
Citations within the text:
- Single author quotation: (Bayly 1993: 208)
- Two authors, more than one page: (Humphrey and Hugh-Jones 1991: 124-126)
- Several authors: (Goody et al 1987: 25)
- Citation of another author's work in secondary text: (Laidlaw 1996 cited in Lewis 1998: 45)
The bibliography should come at the very end of your text, after any notes, appendices or illustrations, and follow the following conventions.- Single author monograph:
Malinowski, B. 1922. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Routledge - Two authors/chapter in book:
Bitušíková, A. and K. Koštialová 2009. Gender and governance in rural communities of postsocialist Slovakia, in L. Kürti and P. Skalník (eds.), Postsocialist Europe: anthropological perspectives from home, 29—50. New York: Berghahn Books. - Journal article:
Mangiameli, G. 2013. ‘The clouds of the paramount chief: interpreting the taboo of rainwater among the Kasena of North-Eastern Ghana’, Journal des Anthropologues 132—133: 339—359.
- Single author monograph:
References to websites should be included in the endnotes only and must mention the date you accessed the website. E.g.: (accessed 1/06/14).
Upon acceptance, authors are required to submit license agreements and all necessary permission letters for reprinting or modifying copyrighted materials, both textual and graphic. The author is fully responsible for obtaining all permissions and clearing any associated fees to reproduce copyrighted materials.
Figures, tables, illustrations etc. should be numbered and their source or author must be included directly below the figure or illustration, even if the author of the paper also produced the figures, tables or illustrations. You may not use copyrighted material without the appropriate permissions. Please note that each figure, table and illustration will count as 250 words towards the limit of 7000 words per submitted manuscript; e.g. if you include three images, your word count should not exceed 6250.
For optimal reproduction, figures or photos should be submitted as high-resolution JPGs or TIFFs (300 ppi), or as EPS files with all fonts embedded. All images should be at least 4 x 4 inches at the resolution indicated. Tables should be made and submitted in Microsoft Word or rtf. All figures and tables should be in separate files and numbered consecutively; only placement indicators and captions (with source/copyright information) should be included in the articles themselves. For more details, please see the Artwork section on our Submissions webpage.
Links to sounds and moving images are permitted in a manuscript, though the manuscript should be able to work without them, as a print copy. Do not embed such materials into texts.
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale is a refereed journal. Articles are sent to reviewers with relevant experience and expertise for comment. Referees are asked to advise the editors whether the article should be published and if so, with what recommended changes. The editors respond to the author with their decision and a list of any changes needed for the article to be accepted for publication. They also send the anonymous referees' comments to the author.
Manuscripts that have been accepted for publication but do not conform to the style guide may be returned to the author for amendment. The editors also reserve the right to alter usage to conform to the style guide issued by the publishers. Authors may not supply new materials or request major alterations following the copyediting stage, so please ensure that all text is final upon acceptance.
First proofs may be read and corrected by contributors provided that they can guarantee to return corrected proofs to the Editor within four days of receipt. Corrections in proof should be restricted to any printer's and publisher's errors.
Reviews provide an account and evaluation of the book under consideration. This should include an adequate account of the book’s contents and summary of the author’s central arguments, as well as a substantive commentary on the quality of the work and/or its contribution to the field. Every chapter does not need to be summarised or even separately mentioned. When reviewing edited volumes, authors are advised to comment on the general theme of the book, and offer more detailed commentary on a few selected chapters. Avoid long quotations and outside references. If your review however has references, follow the journal's general guidelines for citing.
The word limit is 750 words. Please show the publication details in bold at the head of the review as follows:
Addo, Ping-Ann. 2013. Creating a Nation with Cloth. Women, Wealth, and Tradition in the Tongan Diaspora. New York: Berghahn Books. 252 pp. Hb.: $95.00, ISBN: 9780857458957.
For edited or multi-authored works give the names of all the authors or editors as follows:
Hinton, Devon E. and Alexander L. Hinton (eds.) 2014. Genocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, and Recovery. Cambridge University Press. 448 pp. Pb.: 42 €. ISBN: 9781107694699.
Give your full name in capital letters and institution or affiliation in italics at the end of the review, on separate lines and left-aligned. Please submit your review exactly as you wish to see it in print, as you will not be sent a proof.
Manuscripts are reviewed by the Book Reviews Editor, who reserves the right to reject or return for revision any submitted material on the grounds of inappropriate content, quality, length or nonconformity with the author guidelines. Solicitation of book reviews does not guarantee publication.
- License agreement form is downloaded, signed and submitted to copyright(at) (no later than the final revised article submission);
Cover sheet is included and provides:
- Title of the article;
- An abstract of 125 words that is a summary or overview of the entire article, and does not duplicate verbatim sections of the main text;
- Five to eight keywords in alphabetical order and separated by commas (with only proper nouns capitalized);
- Complete contact information for each author (mailing address, phone number, and email);
- A bio of approximately 100 words for each author (including an ORCID if applicable);
- Total word count, the number of tables and/or figures included, and any acknowledgments.
For any Figures, ensure that:
- Placement indicators and captions (with source/copyright information) have been provided in the main text for all figures and tables;
- Examples of source/credit lines in captions:
- Figure 1: Image of a girl with a dog (photo by the author);
- Figure 1: Image of a girl with a dog (source: Library of Congress). - Separate files are provided (clearly named and consecutively numbered) and in the required format with all accompanying permissions.
Please ensure that:
- The style guide has been followed;
- All text, including headings, notes, and references, is in a standard 12-point type, such as Times New Roman, and double-spaced with a 1-inch margin on all sides and no extra spaces between paragraphs;
- UK spelling is used throughout, and a spellcheck has been performed;
- • Different levels of headings are indicated by varying the typeface. Use bold type for an A head (a main text heading). Use bold italic for a B head (a first-level subheading). Use non-bold italic for a C head;
- Superscript note reference numbers and/or asterisks are not placed on article titles, headings, epigraphs, or the contributor’s name;
- Contributions are referred to as articles (not essays or papers);
- • Inverted commas are used for all quotations and terms, except for quotes or terms within quotes, and quotations of more than 100 words are indented as extracts with no quotation marks;
- URLs are not located in the main text when used in a bibliographical sense (although names such as are acceptable). Any URLs have been relocated to endnotes or the reference list;
- • Abbreviations such as e.g., i.e., etc., and et al. are not used in the main text except within parentheses;
- Every author mentioned in the reference list is cited in the main text or notes, and every author cited in the main text and notes is listed in the reference list.