Africanist Network
The Africanist network exists since 2002. It was inaugurated on the initiative of Petr Skalnik at the EASA Conference in Copenhagen. Since, it was busy with organizing panels at all the EASA conferences as well as an inter-conference meeting in Halle (2012). The last panels were organized by board members Tilo Grätz, Dmitri Bondarenko and Petr Skalnik.
The network is organized on the basis of a mailing list. Interested scholars may send a request of subscription, to receive all relevant messages. Joining our network is easy: you simply address a demand of subscription using this web - address: Please ensure that your email address is always up-to-date.
At the last network meeting in Tallinn, David O’Kane (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology), Halle/Saale, Germany was elected as the new convener. We thank David to take over the task from Tilo and ask everyone to support him as well as possible.
The Network Steering Committee further includes Tilo Grätz (FU Berlin), Dmitri Bondarenko (Institute for African Studies, Moscow), Armando Cutolo (University of Siena), Sarah Lunacek (University of Ljubljana), Petr Skalnk (University of Pardubice and University of Wroclaw) and Giulia Casentini (University of Siena).