Message posted on 14/01/2025
AnthroMob Network Workshop September 2025: Call for Papers
Dear AnthroMobbers,
We are excited to share the call for papers for this year's AnthroMob Netwo=
rk Workshop on the theme of "Feelings on the Move: (Im)mobilities, Embodime=
nt and Emotions." The workshop will take place on the 11-12 September 2025 =
at Leiden University (Netherlands), and is organised in collaboration with =
the LDE Centre for Governance of Migration and Diversity. The call for pape=
rs below (and attached as a PDF) can also be found on a website created for workshop, to which we will soon add m=
ore information about the program and logistics. Please feel free to share =
this call with anyone who may be interested and to reach out to us with any=
questions. We hope to see many of you in Leiden next September!
Elise, Sonja & Mirjam
EASA AnthroMob Network Workshop 2025
Feelings on the Move: (Im)mobilities, Embodiment and Emotions
11-12 September, 2025
LDE Centre for Governance of Migration and Diversity / Leiden University, T=
he Netherlands
Call for Papers
As culturally contingent social constructs, embodied emotions are mutually =
constitutive of lived experience, forms of sociality, and intersubjective m=
eaning-making, not to mention the ethnographic endeavour itself. In the stu=
dy of (im)mobilities, recent anthropological research interrogates the feel=
ings stirred by movement across multiple modes, scales, and temporalities, =
as well as by stasis: in stillness, stuckedness, and waiting. Questions of =
agency, freedom, rights, equity, and justice are evoked as bodies move thro=
ugh space, are prevented from doing so, or are re-moved, as exemplified by =
the drawing of fraught distinctions between =93voluntary=94 versus =93force=
d=94 movement. Taken together, affective and embodied experiences are being=
increasingly recognised as central to social, political, economic, and mor=
al domains of life.
Emotions are intertwined with (im)mobility, not least because they produce =
what are termed affective publics. Feelings of closeness or distance, belon=
ging or exclusion, comradery or alienation are generated as bodies are read=
and emotional styles are prescribed through patriarchal and racialised reg=
isters. Careful attention to such dynamics as well as to the manifold ways =
in which we are implicated in them is therefore not only part of our mandat=
e as researchers, but is also our responsibility as human beings living thr=
ough a global polycrisis. As the horrors in the Mediterranean, Palestine, S=
udan, and beyond unfold and reach us on our many screens, and as climate br=
eakdown continues at an alarming pace, we must refuse the role of the disem=
bodied, distanced spectator. What are we, as anthropologists, equipped to o=
ffer publics as we also feel our ways through such a moment? How might we r=
e-envision our collective task now, as those involved in the (re)constructi=
on, (re)presentation, and (re)circulation of deeply emotional stories of su=
ffering and loss, on the one hand, and solidarity and hope, on the other?
This international workshop on 11-12 September 2025, organised by the EASA =
AnthroMob network in collaborat=
ion with the LDE Centre for Governance of Migration and Diversity will brin=
g participants together at Leiden University to explore how bodies, embodim=
ent, and emotions can productively relate to the study of (im)mobilities. W=
e warmly invite submissions for both in-person and online participation add=
ressing these themes through oral presentations as well as multimodal and i=
nteractive formats. We welcome scholars working on these topics within or b=
eyond mobility and migration studies, particularly those who are situated w=
ithin anthropology and/or engage in ethnographic research. Submissions from=
PhD researchers and early career scholars are encouraged. Limited funding =
is available to support travel costs and will be made available to research=
ers without institutional funding on a case by case basis, prioritising sch=
olars based in the Global South/Majority World.
Submission process
1. Please send a description (maximum 250 words) of your proposed contri=
bution to by 28 Februar=
y, 2025. Please indicate in your email whether you would like to present in=
person or online and whether you plan to request funding from AnthroMob to=
help cover your travel costs.
2. We will send you an email to confirm that we have received your submi=
3. We will let you know by 14 March, 2025 if your submission has been ac=
Feel free to contact the workshop convenors with any questions that you may=
have about the event or submission process:
Elise Hjalmarson (
Sonja Faaren Ruud (
Mirjam Twigt (
Sonja Faaren Ruud (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Elise Hjalmarson (Geneva Graduate Institute)
=96 Co-convenors =96
EASA Anthropology and Mobility Network (ANTHROMOB)
To manage your subscription to this mailing list, visit:
view formatted text
We are excited to share the call for papers for this year's AnthroMob Netwo=
rk Workshop on the theme of "Feelings on the Move: (Im)mobilities, Embodime=
nt and Emotions." The workshop will take place on the 11-12 September 2025 =
at Leiden University (Netherlands), and is organised in collaboration with =
the LDE Centre for Governance of Migration and Diversity. The call for pape=
rs below (and attached as a PDF) can also be found on a website created for workshop, to which we will soon add m=
ore information about the program and logistics. Please feel free to share =
this call with anyone who may be interested and to reach out to us with any=
questions. We hope to see many of you in Leiden next September!
Elise, Sonja & Mirjam
EASA AnthroMob Network Workshop 2025
Feelings on the Move: (Im)mobilities, Embodiment and Emotions
11-12 September, 2025
LDE Centre for Governance of Migration and Diversity / Leiden University, T=
he Netherlands
Call for Papers
As culturally contingent social constructs, embodied emotions are mutually =
constitutive of lived experience, forms of sociality, and intersubjective m=
eaning-making, not to mention the ethnographic endeavour itself. In the stu=
dy of (im)mobilities, recent anthropological research interrogates the feel=
ings stirred by movement across multiple modes, scales, and temporalities, =
as well as by stasis: in stillness, stuckedness, and waiting. Questions of =
agency, freedom, rights, equity, and justice are evoked as bodies move thro=
ugh space, are prevented from doing so, or are re-moved, as exemplified by =
the drawing of fraught distinctions between =93voluntary=94 versus =93force=
d=94 movement. Taken together, affective and embodied experiences are being=
increasingly recognised as central to social, political, economic, and mor=
al domains of life.
Emotions are intertwined with (im)mobility, not least because they produce =
what are termed affective publics. Feelings of closeness or distance, belon=
ging or exclusion, comradery or alienation are generated as bodies are read=
and emotional styles are prescribed through patriarchal and racialised reg=
isters. Careful attention to such dynamics as well as to the manifold ways =
in which we are implicated in them is therefore not only part of our mandat=
e as researchers, but is also our responsibility as human beings living thr=
ough a global polycrisis. As the horrors in the Mediterranean, Palestine, S=
udan, and beyond unfold and reach us on our many screens, and as climate br=
eakdown continues at an alarming pace, we must refuse the role of the disem=
bodied, distanced spectator. What are we, as anthropologists, equipped to o=
ffer publics as we also feel our ways through such a moment? How might we r=
e-envision our collective task now, as those involved in the (re)constructi=
on, (re)presentation, and (re)circulation of deeply emotional stories of su=
ffering and loss, on the one hand, and solidarity and hope, on the other?
This international workshop on 11-12 September 2025, organised by the EASA =
AnthroMob network in collaborat=
ion with the LDE Centre for Governance of Migration and Diversity will brin=
g participants together at Leiden University to explore how bodies, embodim=
ent, and emotions can productively relate to the study of (im)mobilities. W=
e warmly invite submissions for both in-person and online participation add=
ressing these themes through oral presentations as well as multimodal and i=
nteractive formats. We welcome scholars working on these topics within or b=
eyond mobility and migration studies, particularly those who are situated w=
ithin anthropology and/or engage in ethnographic research. Submissions from=
PhD researchers and early career scholars are encouraged. Limited funding =
is available to support travel costs and will be made available to research=
ers without institutional funding on a case by case basis, prioritising sch=
olars based in the Global South/Majority World.
Submission process
1. Please send a description (maximum 250 words) of your proposed contri=
bution to by 28 Februar=
y, 2025. Please indicate in your email whether you would like to present in=
person or online and whether you plan to request funding from AnthroMob to=
help cover your travel costs.
2. We will send you an email to confirm that we have received your submi=
3. We will let you know by 14 March, 2025 if your submission has been ac=
Feel free to contact the workshop convenors with any questions that you may=
have about the event or submission process:
Elise Hjalmarson (
Sonja Faaren Ruud (
Mirjam Twigt (
Sonja Faaren Ruud (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Elise Hjalmarson (Geneva Graduate Institute)
=96 Co-convenors =96
EASA Anthropology and Mobility Network (ANTHROMOB)
To manage your subscription to this mailing list, visit: