Anthropology of Food Network
The Food Network provides a platform for sharing information and experience about anthropology of food. The goal of our network is to foster discussions of theories, methods and themes in the anthropology of food, ranging from the role of food in social relationships, through its symbolic, semiotic and material significance, to the political-economic analysis of food production, distribution, preparation, consumption, and waste. This network brings together people who critically engage with the issues related to food, and study food materiality, state institutions, daily practices, family relations, food systems, gender, class and race, as well as many other themes.
The Network is devoted to supporting and carrying out rigorous anthropological work. It is open for exchanges with practitioners, policymakers, organizations, and researchers from other disciplines at the European and global level, as well as other EASA networks. It is also a platform to exchange practical information about conferences, workshops, book publications and other relevant events.
Becoming a Member & Mailing List
The Anthropology of Food mailing list facilitates the exchange of information among network members. The list of active members is featured on the website. One does not need to be an EASA member in order to become a member of the Food Network. One joins the network by joining the mailing list. When joining the mailing list, please send us an email, telling us a few words about yourself and your research interest. Members can use the mailing list to announce workshops, conferences, and publications, to share news related to the anthropology of food, to post questions for discussion, and find potential collaborators. You are also welcome to join our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn - see links in the side bar.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the convenors.
Network convenors
- Sabine Parrish (University of Aberdeen), sabine.parrish(at)
- Michele Fontefrancesco (University of Gastronomic Sciences), m.fontefrancesco(at)