EASA network funding
Financial support for EASA network activities
The 2024 funding round is now closed. The deadline for applications was 18 November. With €54,000 allocated to EASA network activity in 2023, the pot for distribution in 2025 has been increased just over €70,000.
EASA's Executive Committee wishes to financially support the work of the Association’s Networks in the following way:
- Each network may request between €500 and €2000 for an activity. Examples of activities that funding may support are seminars, conferences, and meetings.
- The Executive Committee particularly encourages collaborative applications, for instance for joint activities. In these instances the proposal can request €600-€2200 per collaborating network.
- The Executive Committee encourages networks to seek other sources of funding events in addition to funding from EASA.
- Members of each network should decide among themselves which activity they seek to apply for funding for; the network convenors are responsible for submitting the application.
- Applications must be made using this form and must provide both the project description and the budget.
- EASA will support expenses that are key to the successful delivery of the activity. This may include travel and accommodation for speakers, but these speakers should be paid-up members of EASA. Unlike in previous years, key expenses for successful delivery of an event (such as coffee for all activity or event delegates) may be included in the application for EASA Network Funding. Applicants should be aware that the Executive looks closely at value for money and that many activities can secure support from other sources, such as host institutions, including financial support and support in kind.
- In assessing applications, the Executive Committee will pay particular attention to the following three criteria:
- 1. The likely benefit of the activity to the vibrancy of the Network
- 2. The likely benefit of the activity to EASA members.
- 3. The value for money of the proposed activity.
- 4. In interests of equality, active networks who did not receive funding in the previous round may be favoured over those who did.
- If network convenors have not submitted the network annual report by the 30 November deadline for reports, an application for funds will not be accepted.
- A new network can only apply for funding after the Executive Committee has approved the network.
- The Executive Committee will evaluate the projects and decide which will be funded, and its decision will be final.
PLEASE NOTE: EASA encourages networks to consider organising virtual and/or hybrid events, too.
Deadline for application
- The application form must be completed by end of 18th November 2024.
- Decisions will be made by the middle of December 2024, and communicated to all applicants with results posted here.
For funded projects
- The funding must be spent by the end of 2025;
- EASA's logo should be used on all programmes, folders, etc. created for the activity. This can be obtained from web(at)easaonline.org
After the activity
- Request for reimbursement with all original receipts should be sent to EASA membership admin: membership(at)easaonline.org.
- A report of the final activity should be sent to EASA membership admin: membership(at)easaonline.org within one month of the completion of the activity. These reports will be evaluated by the Networks Liaison Officers and potentially published in the EASA newsletter.
- If a network event generates a surplus (for example, thanks to registration fees), this surplus needs to be transferred to the EASA account. EASA will use it for the network’s next event, up to the current maximum of €2200 per event. If the surplus exceeds this amount, the balance will be credited to the general network budget so as to benefit others networks.