Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology Network
PACSA was established as an EASA network in 2005. It draws together a network of scholars from all over Europe and beyond to facilitate co-operation and collaboration in the fields of peace and conflict studies in anthropology. PACSA aims to advance the anthropological study of armed conflict and other forms of organized violence, processes of conflict resolution, post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation, and related issues. Furthermore, PACSA seeks to broaden academic engagement with these areas of study across disciplinary boundaries, and to raise awareness of this research outside of the academic sphere.
Read more about the network. Previous and forthcoming PACSA conferences, workshops and events are listed on the events page: www.pacsa-web.eu/category/pacsa-events
To join PACSA, register with our mailing list
The current PACSA officials are:
Livnat Konopny-Decleve livkonopny(at)gmail.com
Alexander Horstmann alex67(at)tlu.ee
Advisory Board (in alphabetical order):
Eyal Ben-Ari, Hebrew University
Carolyn Nordstrom, University of Notre Dame
Ton Robben, Utrecht University
Ronald Stade, Malmo University