Webinar: What is anthropological engagement in teaching and learning?

Thursday, 25 November, 2021

The contemporary world is full of urgent problems. From climate change to capitalist exploitation; from genocidal violence and nationalism to sexism and xenophobia. Black Lives Matter protesters, Indigenous activists, and social movements worldwide are calling out expressions of Western superiority and European conquest and enslavement worldwide.How could and should these urgent problems and social movements affect the way anthropology is taught?

To what extent should today’s anthropological teaching reflect and side with an activist agenda in criticizing dominant memorial and interpretive frameworks as well as an engaging role in supporting anti-capitalist interests, or global movements for Indigenous and refugee rights? Should anthropological curricula and forms of teaching be revisited and decolonized? In what ways and directions? — In short, what is anthropological engagement in teaching and learning?

Part 1

Welcome and short presentation of the EASA TAN
Jakob Krause-Jensen, Ioannis Manos

Opening lecture
The weight of the world, the weight of the canon: undisciplined reflections on the anthropological curriculum
by David Mills (Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Oxford; Vice-President and Fellow, Kellogg College; Deputy Director, Centre for Global Higher Education)

Part 2

Parallel Working Groups

Decolonising curriculum?

  1. Is it possible to teach decolonial and intercultural anthropology? Some thoughts from the heart of Amazon
    Rui Harayama (Federal University of Western Para Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
  2. Consequences of constitutional reforms in teaching anthropology in Latin America
    Mauricio Caviedes (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia)
  3. Kinship genealogies and multi-power technologies of patriarchy, at the intersection of feminist methodologies and struggles: Decolonize anthropological teaching on culture, rights and gender
    Fotini Tsibiridou (University of Macedonia, Greece)

Teaching across diverse political contexts

  1. What happened in Europe in 20th century, the same thing is happening in Asia in 21st century
    Satyabrata Sahoo (Indira Gandhi National Open University, India), Towseef Ahmed Wani (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
  2. Anthropologies of sciences in future times
    Paride Bollettin (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
  3. Anthropedagogies for Today
    Luci Attala (University of Wales, UK), Elizabeth Rahman (University of Oxford, UK), Thandeka Cochrane (King’s College, UK)

Activism in Anthropology

  1. Using activism and academic research in teaching are never incompatible
    Judith Okely (Oxford University, UK)
  2. What is anthropological engagement? Behold the difference between activism and anthropology
    Jakob Krause-Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
  3. Activist at all costs?
    Giovanna Guslini (Independent scholar, Italy)

Engaging students through applied perspectives

  1. How and what do we want to learn? Doing Participatory Action Research in an Undergraduate Course
    Annika Strauss, Jakob Kreß, Pedro Henrique Emmel Ribeiro (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Germany)
  2. Does anthropology matter? Advocating engaging anthropology in teaching
    Nikos Manolas, Maria Plastara, Theodosia Kalafati, Kyriaki Kryona, Eleni Sideri, Ioannis Manos (University of Macedonia, Greece)
  3. Teaching Medical Anthropology to Health Professionals: The Dilemma of Trainers
    Margret Jaeger (Sigmund Freud University, Austria), Mustafa Abdalla (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
  4. Medical Anthropology Teaching as a critical tool to transform healthcare in the Arab world?
    Radwa Mohamed (Cairo University, Egypt), Farida Abougazia (Alexandria University, Egypt), Mayssa Rekhis (School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, France)

Plenary discussion

Organizing Committee
Jakob Krause-Jensen, Lorenzo Cañás Bottos, Shukti Chaudhuri-Brill, Sally Anderson, Annika Strauss, Reda Šatūnienė, Lavinia Bertini, Giovanna Guslini, Ioannis Manos