Urban Anthropology Network
The UrbAn network was founded in 2019 and aims to become a platform to think theoretically as well as methodologically about the urban in anthropology. Understanding the urban as both a place and imaginary, the network is specifically interested in debating and creating experimental and unconventional ethnographic knowledge. It is interested in the methodological questions put forward by urban field research and specifically in experimenting with and designing new (multimodal) methodologies. Moreover, it seeks to inspire critical theoretical thinking on topics related to the city: everyday cities, affect, infrastructures, inequalities, media, sustainability, shrinking cities to name a few.
The objectives of the network are mainly to initiate debate and momentum among members whose ethnographic and conceptual work centres on the urban. Moreover, it seeks to exchange information on and initiate collaboration in conferences, publications and teaching projects. The network stimulates collaborations among network members as well as within other domains like those working on and in urban contexts, seeking ways to think through their work. The network is of interest to everyone who works in urban contexts or who finds the urban a useful concept to work with.
Colleagues interested in participating in the network activites and discussions are invited to join our mailing list.
Network convenor
- Aylin Yildirim Tschoepe (HGK FHNW Basel, University of Basel), aylin.tschoepe(at)fhnw.ch