EASA Newsletter No 73 2018
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1a. Letter from the President (English)
Valeria Siniscalchi addresses the membership.
Dear EASA members,
The days we spent together in Stockholm were very pleasant. The colleagues from the Stockholm University and from the Linköping University welcomed us very warmly. Together with the NomadIT team, they allowed us to have four days of rich and intensive exchanges: from panels to round tables, from plenaries to laboratories, from films to the extra program meetings, including the discussions and conversations we were able to have, and the keynote presentation by Shahram Khosravi, which set the pace of the conference.
Enough to feed us for the coming months, which will be very dense for the association!
The members’ forum was very lively and intense, showing the attachment of the members to the association and the role that EASA has and can have at the international and national level. The work on precarity and specially the survey on employment and working conditions of anthropologists inside and outside Academia promoted by EASA and PrecAnthro collective, were presented by Georgeta Stoica and Sabine Strasser, members of the Executive and in charge of this complex issue, and by Martin Fotta representing the PrecAnthro collective. This work is one of the priorities of the current EASA Executive and it improves the policy paper which will be presented to the European Commission during the Autumn in order to promote the implementation of concrete measures concerning precarity and its effects on anthropologists’ life and the career. The first result of this survey were presented in Florianopolis during the WCAA / WAU conference last July.
During the EASA members’ forum, two motions were tabled. The first one concerned Israeli academic institutions, situated in occupied Palestinian territories. The motion called for EASA to express its own opposition to the establishment of academic institutions exclusively serving Israeli citizens, situated within occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and to pledge its own non-cooperation with these institutions; and to express its solidarity with Palestinian academics and students suffering the brunt of these discriminatory policies as well as with the Israeli colleagues of the Israeli sociological association and Israeli Anthropological association who oppose the same policies. The AGM largely supported this motion. After that, we received a letter from the Israeli Anthropological Association thanking us for our support and explaining in detail the situation in the Occupied Territories and the position taken by our colleagues from the IAA. EASA members who needed further information, or who were not present at the AGM, now have an opportunity to vote electronically to still express their solidarity with colleagues in occupied Palestinian territories through the electronic vote, which is open now. A second motion, which was largely supported by the membership, mandated the Executive to gather a working group in charge to elaborate a code of conduct to address professional misconduct (among others, the abuse of power, psychological and sexual harassment, and the exploitation of precarious labor). The Executive is organizing this working group in charge of developing guidelines and working to the way in which EASA can offer support in cases of non-respect of professional ethics. We hope to submit you the result of this reflection in the next months.
This year we awarded a Lifetime distinction and two Early career prizes: the first one was offered to Adam Kuper to recognize his major contribution to the development of anthropology in Europe, today represented in its diversity and richness by the EASA, that he contributed to create. The laureates of the Early Career Award were Vita Peacock for her article “Academic precarity as hierarchical dependence in the Max Planck Society”; and Francisco Martínez for his monograph Remains of the Soviet Past in Estonia: an Anthropology of Forgetting, Repair, and Urban Traces.
In Stockholm, we appointed the new treasurer David Mills, who will replace Rachael Gooberman-Hill starting from next December; and the new secretary, Monica Heintz, who will replace Alberto Corsín Jiménez also by the end of the year. These are very important charges and I would like to thank the colleagues who applied – also that ones who have not be appointed – for their involvement in the life of the association. EASA specially needs the time and the energies that we give it. For this reason I thank warmly Rachael and Alberto, who did the job for the last six years.
We hired also two new journal editors, Nikolai Sorin Chaikov and Laia Soto Bermant. They will replace Sarah Green and Patrick Laviolette who made our journal Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale really attractive during the last four years. I would like to thank them sincerely for their work. The journal, together with the book ten published by Berghahn is the visible part of the intellectual life of our association.
Changes continue: new election to renew the Executive committee will take place at the end of the year. The call for application will open in a few weeks and we hope that several colleagues will decide to be involved for the next two years to improve EASA projects. In November the call for funding to finance the seven events will open. As you know, this is the principle of the years without the conference: the life of the association continues also through the rich activities organised by the seven’ members all year long. We will not get bored during the next months!
I would like to renew here our support to the Brazilian colleagues: the archives and the collections of one of the most important departments of anthropology disappeared with the fire the 2nd and 3rd of September which destroyed completely the ancient palace of Sao Cristovao of the Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. The PPGAS (Graduate Program in Social Anthropology), together with UFRJ’s Library System, is beginning a book donation campaign to try to rebuilt the « Francisca Keller » Library, lost with the fire. They have created a website to collect donations (https://franciscakeller.weebly.com/english.html). I warmly invite you, through your institutions, to relay this concrete support campaign.
Last but not least, the next EASA conference will be host in Lisbon, in Portugal where the first EASA conference took place in 1990 (Coimbra). This is just perfect to celebrate the thirty years of our association, but also to reflect to the dreams that we had at that time and to the transformations that affect our present. The first steps to organize the next conference have already started and the handover to the next Executive committee, that will be elected between next December and January, will take place on the 11th and 12th of February 2019 in Lisbon, where the trustees will visit the place which will host us in 2020.
Nice return to your activities and plenty of beautiful projects!
Yours sincerely
Valeria Siniscalchi
EASA President
1b. Lettre de la Présidente (French)
Valeria Siniscalchi s'adresse aux membres.
Chers membres de l’EASA,
les journées passées ensemble à Stockholm ont été très denses. Nous avons été très bien accueillis par les collègues de l’Université de Stockholm et de l’Université de Linköping qui, avec l’équipe de NomadIT, nous ont permis quatre jours d’échanges riches et intenses : des panels aux tables rondes, des plénières aux laboratoires, des films aux rencontres hors programme, en incluant les échanges et conversations que nous avons pu avoir les uns et les autres et la conférence d’ouverture de Shahram Khosravi qui a donné le ‘la’ aux rencontres qui ont suivi. De quoi nous nourrir pour les mois à venir ! Des mois qui s’annoncent très denses pour la vie de notre association.
Le forum des membres a été un lieu de débat et d’échange très animé et intense qui a montré l’attachement des membres à l’association, en révélant aussi le rôle qu’elle joue et qu’elle peut jouer à l’échelle européenne et internationale. Le travail autour de la précarité et notamment l’enquête promue par l’EASA et le collectif PrecAnthro sur les conditions d’emploi dans le monde universitaire et de la recherche, ont été présentés par Georgeta Stoica et Sabine Strasser, membres de l’exécutif en charge de ce dossier complexe, et Martin Fotta pour le collectif PrecAnthro. Ce travail est l’une des priorités de l’exécutif actuel d’EASA et il nourrit le document qui sera présenté à l’automne à la Commission Européenne pour essayer d’infléchir la situation actuelle et promouvoir la mise en place de mesures concrètes concernant la précarité et ses effets sur la vie et la carrière des chercheurs. Les premiers résultats de ce travail avaient été présentés également à Florianópolis (Brésil) lors du congres de la WCAA / WAU en juillet dernier.
Pendant le forum des membres, deux motions ont été présentées. Une première portait sur les institutions universitaires situées dans les territoires occupés en Palestine. La motion invitait l’assemblée à exprimer son opposition à la création d'établissements universitaires destinés exclusivement à aux citoyens israéliens et à non coopérer avec ces institutions, en manifestant sa solidarité avec les universitaires et les étudiants palestiniens, ainsi qu'avec les collègues israéliens de l'Association israélienne de sociologie et de l’Association israélienne d’anthropologie qui ont pris position contre cette politique discriminatoire. L’AGM a voté en supportant largement cette motion. Nous avons ensuite reçu une lettre de la part du président de l’IAA remerciant l’EASA et en expliquant le contexte et la position des collègues anthropologues de l’association israélienne. Les membres de l’EASA qui n’étaient pas présents à l’assemblée peuvent maintenant encore exprimer leur soutien aux collègues en Israël et à la motion par le vote électronique qui vient d’être ouvert.
Une deuxième motion, également supportée par la grande majorité des membres présents à l’AGM, donnait mandat à l’exécutive pour constituer un groupe de travail en charge d’élaborer un code de conduite visant entre autres les abus de pouvoir, le harcèlement sexuel et psychologique l’exploitation du travail précaire. L’exécutif est en train de mettre en place ce groupe de travail qui essayera d’élaborer des lignes guides et de réfléchir aux modalités concrètes par lesquelles EASA peut donner son soutien en cas de non respect des principes d’éthique professionnelle. Nous espérons vous soumettre les résultats de ce travail dans les mois à venir.
Cette année nous avons décerné pour la première fois une distinction à la carrière et deux prix de début de carrière : la première à Adam Kuper, pour sa contribution majeure au développement de l’anthropologie en Europe, représentée aujourd’hui dans toute da diversité et dans sa richesse par l’EASA, qu’il a contribué à créer. Les lauréats du prix de début de carrière sont Vita Peacock pour son article “Academic precarity as hierarchical dependence in the Max Planck Society”; et Francisco Martínez pour sa monographie Remains of the Soviet Past in Estonia: an Anthropology of Forgetting, Repair, and Urban Traces.
A Stockholm, nous avons choisi le nouveau trésorier d’EASA, David Mills, qui prendra la place de Rachael Gooberman-Hill à partir du prochain mois de décembre ; et la nouvelle secrétaire d’EASA, Monica Heintz, qui remplacera Alberto Corsín Jiménez également à la fin de l’année. Ces sont des charges importantes et je remercie les collègues qui se sont portés candidats – aussi ceux qui n’ont pas été retenus – pour leur implication dans la vie de l’association. L’association a besoin du temps et des énergies que nous pouvons lui dédier. Pour cette raison, je remercie tout particulièrement Rachael et Alberto, qui ont assumé les taches respectivement de trésorière et de secrétaire pendant les dernières six ans.
Nous avons recruté également deux nouveaux journal editors, Nikolai Ssorin Chaikov et Laia Soto Bermant. Ils succéderont à Sarah Green et à Patrick Laviolette qui, pendant les dernières quatre ans, ont impulsé un grand renouveau de notre revue Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale. Je les remercie chaleureusement pour le travail accompli. La revue, avec la collection d’ouvrages que nous publions avec l’éditeur Berghahn, est une des vitrines de la vie intellectuelle de notre association.
Mais les changements ne s’arrêtent pas là. Des nouvelles élections pour le renouvèlement des membres du comité exécutif auront lieu à la fin de cette année. L’appel à candidature ouvrira dans quelques semaines et nous espérons que plusieurs collègues décideront de s’engager pour les prochaines deux années afin de poursuivre les projets de l’EASA. En novembre nous allons lancer l’appel destiné à financer les activités de l’année prochaine des networks EASA. C’est le principe des années sans conférence : la vie de l’EASA continue aussi à travers les nombreuses activités que les membres des networks organisent tout au long de l’année. Nous ne nous ennuieront pas dans les mois à venir !
Je voudrais renouveler ici une pensée de soutien pour nos collègues Brésiliens : les archives et les collections d’un de plus importants départements d’anthropologie ont disparu avec l’incendie qui s’est déclenché entre le 2 et le 3 septembre dernier et qui a complètement détruit l’ancien palais de Sao Cristovao du Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Les collègues du PPGAS (Programme de troisième cycle en anthropologie sociale) sont en train de rassembler les forces pour tenter de reconstituer la bibliothèque « Francisca Keller » perdue avec l’incendie. Ils ont créé un site, destiné à accueillir les donations de livres (https://franciscakeller.weebly.com/english.html). Je vous invite, à travers vos institutions, à relayer cette campagne de soutient très concrète.
Last but not least, la prochaine conférence d’EASA aura lieu à Lisbonne, au Portugal, dans le pays où avait eu lieu la première conférence (Coimbra 1990). C’est un beau retour au Portugal pour fêter les trente années de l’association ! Mais aussi pour repenser aux rêves de cette époque et aux transformations qui affectent notre présent. La préparation de la conférence a déjà commencé et la passation vers le nouvel exécutif, qui sera élu entre décembre et janvier, aura lieu le 11 et 12 février à Lisbonne ou les membres visiterons les lieux qui nous accueillerons en juillet 2020.
Je vous souhaite une bonne rentrée et une année universitaire pleine de beaux projets !
Bien à vous
Valeria Siniscalchi
Présidente de l’EASA
2. New Secretary and Treasurer
During their meeting in Stockholm (August 13-14, 2018) the Executive Committee appointed Monica Heintz as new Secretary and David Mills as new Treasurer of EASA. We wish them all the best in their future service!
Monica Heintz is Associate Professor (Maître de conférence) at the University of Paris Nanterre, and from January 2019 will be the co-director of the Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative in Nanterre. Her main research focuses on moralities and temporalities and her field sites are located in Eastern Europe and France. In recent years she has been extending her methodological research on morality to include naturalistic approaches. Also, in the frame of several joint projects, she is focusing on ethical questions around cultural representations in museums, performances or documentary films. She has authored the books “Be European, recycle yourself”: changing work ethic in Romania (LIT, 2006) and Etica muncii la romanii de azi (Curtea Veche, 2005), edited the volumes The Anthropology of Moralities (Berghahn, 2009) and Weak state, uncertain citizenship: Moldova (Peter Lang, 2008), and co-edited European Anthropologies (Berghahn, 2017), Transitions historiques (Ed de Boccard, 2016), Morale et cognition à l’épreuve du terrain (in press, Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre).
David Mills is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford and also Director of an ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) doctoral training partnership between Oxford, Open University and Brunel. His PhD in Anthropology at SOAS drew on fieldwork at both Makerere and a rural Ugandan secondary school, and sparked his ethnographic curiosity about the anthropology of education and the education of anthropologists. He is currently developing a new research project on the politics of doctoral education in Africa.
Publications include Difficult Folk: A political history of social anthropology (Berghahn 2008), Ethnography and Education (Sage 2013) and African Anthropologies: History, Practice, Critique (Zed 2006), co-edited with Mwenda Ntarangwi and Mustafa Babiker.
3. New Editor/s of Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov and Laia Soto Bermant as the new editors of the EASA’s flagship journal.
Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov is Associate Professor of anthropology at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Russia. He is the author of The Social Life of the State in Subarctic Siberia (Stanford, 2003) and Two Lenins: A Brief Anthropology of Time (HAU, 2017).
Laia Soto Bermant is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Trade, Transit and Travel in the Mediterranean at the University of Helsinki. She has a BA in Humanities from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and an M.Phil. and a D.Phil. in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford (2012); she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Transborder Studies of Arizona State University (2013-2014), a lecturer at Bournemouth University, and a Visiting Researcher at the Migration Studies Centre (NEMI) of the University of San Martin, in Buenos Aires.
4. Elections for a New Executive
Over the following months the Association will set in motion the electoral process for e-voting on its new Executive.
Details of the procedure will be advertised and posted on our website shortly. In line with the time schedule of previous elections, we plan to open the process of nominations on 1 November and set the deadline for the reception of applications on 11 December. We will publish the list of candidates shortly after. Online voting will open on 18 December and close on 15 January. The results will be made available immediately after. The handover meeting for the new Executive Committee will take place on 11-12 February 2019 in Lisbon. It is expected that elected candidates will be available to attend the meeting.
5. Announcement of EASA Biennial Conference 2020
We are delighted to announce that the next EASA biennial conference will be organised by and hosted at ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon ICS-Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon.
6. Precarity Officers’ Report
Thank you for participating in the EASA Employment Survey!
More than 1000 members responded to our invitation and we are overwhelmed by this unexpectedly high involvement. Your participation allows us to continue our work on precarity we have started during the AGM seminar 2017 in Bern. At the Stockholm Conference, the EASA Survey was briefly presented by the PrecAnthro Collective (represented by Martin Fotta) and the PrecAnthro Liaison Officers. We are now continuing the analysis of the data and aim at preparing an overall report and a policy statement for further negotiations at different EU and national levels. Next November, EASA will participate in the meeting of the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH) and we do hope to be able to contribute to a broader debate. Plenary C at the Stockholm conference was organized in order to spread information on studies about precarity from different points of view. Four early career scholars (Lara McKenzie, Martine Schaer, Vinicius Ferreira, and Christian Rogler) presented findings of their ethnographic research. Studies were conducted in different parts of the world as in Australia, Latin America, Europe and Asia. The early career researchers raised issues of mobility, greedy institutions and affects.
Georgeta Stoica and Sabine Strasser
7. Network Liaison Officer’s Report
Some twenty networks used the opportunity of the EASA18 conference in Stockholm to hold business meetings.
Some twenty networks used the opportunity of the EASA18 conference in Stockholm to hold business meetings and to begin the process of electing new Network Convenors where necessary. In addition, various networks organised at least one panel and lab at EASA18 (all networks have the right to have one panel selected when EASA conferences are being put together) which were popular and well-attended, proving again that networks are at the heart of EASA.
In addition Marcus Banks (networks Liaison officer) and Valeria Siniscalchi (EASA President and former networks Liaison officer) held a lunchtime meeting at EASA18 for Network Convenors. This proved very popular and lively, and included discussion of topics such as Network funding, cooperation and joint activities between networks, different forms of Network governance (two Convenors versus larger collectives – both are acceptable), and how to make the mailing lists do more for the networks than just acting as a place to post job openings and research opportunities. Examples of ideas to make the mailing lists more dynamic included encouraging members to post book reviews relevant to the Network topic, and holding e-seminars.
Finally, some housekeeping notices:
- At the meeting of Network Convenors it emerged that not all Convenors are on the Network Convenors mailing list; if you are a Convenor and you have not heard from NomadIT in some time, please contact Elaine Morley at membership(at)easaonline.org and make sure NomadIT has the correct contact details for your Network;
- networks are reminded of our rule that ‘Convenors should be elected every two years and be in office for no more than four years’ – this is not a hard and fast rule, and we appreciate that it may be difficult to find Network members willing to take on role of Convening – please contact the Network liaison officer if you foresee difficulties in managing good governance of your Network;
- Network Convenors are also reminded to send in reports (brief is fine) detailing Network activity over the past year; this is especially important for networks that sponsored panels and labs at EASA18. Note also that it is a condition of eligibility for applying for funds that Convenors submit an annual report on their activities.
- Don’t be afraid to close a Network! (or merge with another Network) – networks are not for life, only for as long as they prove intellectually stimulating; it is natural that some networks may just run out of steam and the members move on to other activities;
- Finally, the call for funding for Network activity for 2018-19 is now open. The total allocation to networks has been increased this year to €26000 and the Executive Committee invites bids for awards of €500-€2000 to support Network activity such as workshops, labs, and other events that advance the intellectual raison d’être of the Network; there is not a competition as such but we favour applications from new networks and from networks that arrange joint activities with other networks. To apply please go to:
Marcus Banks
8. Campaigns in Support of the Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro
The EASA Executive Committee expresses its support to colleagues in Brazil for the tragedy that happened at the 200 year old Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro.
The EASA Executive Committee expresses its support to colleagues in Brazil for the tragedy that happened at the 200 year old Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, which was ravaged by fire on 3 September, destroying collections and precious archives of one of the most prestigious departments of anthropology. Many fragile artefacts from indigenous Brazilian communities are understood to have been destroyed, including irreplaceable documentation of endangered and extinct Indigenous languages, and we extend our sympathies to those communities for their loss.
2a. Reconstructing the Francisca Keller LibraryThe Francisca Keller library is part of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology of the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGAS/MN/UFRJ). Before the recent fire, it was considered to be one of the most important social science libraries in Brazil and Latin America, holding a priceless collection of some 37,000 volumes, collected over the last 50 years of the library’s existence.
The Francisca Keller Library today lies in ashes, but it is not dead. A library only dies when there are no more readers and we have readers. Now we need books. PPGAS, together with UFRJ’s Library System, is beginning a book donation campaign. We ask all of you to aid us in this new beginning.
In order to organize this process, we have created this webpage (https://franciscakeller.weebly.com/english.html) where you will find important information about how to donate. Please do not send anything without first consulting us, so that we can work within our current technical means.
We thank you for your solidarity from the bottom of our hearts!
Committee for the Reconstruction and Renewal of the FKL
Le PPGAS (Programme de troisième cycle en anthropologie sociale) du Musée National de Rio de Janeiro a créé un site pour accueillir les donations de livres pour la recomposition de la Bibliothèque Francisca Keller, perdue dans sa totalité lors de l’incendie du 2 septembre. Nous vous faisons part de notre profonde gratitude pour toutes les expressions de solidarité manifestées au Brésil et à l’étranger. Pour plus d’informations, merci de consulter le site (version anglaise) : https://franciscakeller.weebly.com/english.html et en portugais: https://franciscakeller.weebly.com/
Collectif de soutien au musée national
In the year of commemorating the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the National Museum and the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS), the fire devastating the Palace of São Cristóvão has thrown the institution into a new and unexpected phase of existence.
The challenges involved in the coexistence, in a historical early nineteenth century building, of a diverse and vigorous scientific life with scientific collections, a historical archive, laboratories, libraries and classrooms have been numerous. All the more so in a situation defined by a continual lack of resources over the years, and especially after the brutal cuts recently made in the federal budget for culture, education and science.
PPGAS was the first postgraduation program to be founded in Brazil, an institution of national and international renown where knowledge is produced, where junior researchers from Brazil and other parts of the world receive training, and from where objects, debates and approaches are disseminated that dynamize anthropology and the other social sciences. We founded the journal Mana. Estudos de Antropologia Social, built up one of the leading libraries in the area, participate in the discussion and formulation of public policies, and assist the struggles to recognize social rights – from the demarcation of indigenous and quilombola lands to, more recently, the implantation of affirmative action policies for indigenous and black students. In this way, we contribute to renewing the output of the social sciences, dedicated to the democratizing role performed, in our country, by high quality public universities.
Mutilated by the fire and the consequent loss of most of our precious heritage, we are endeavouring to rebuild the conditions needed to maintain our academic and scientific vitality, setting our sights not only on the continuation of our activities but on the construction of a new future.
We thank the innumerable manifestations of solidarity and support received from individuals and institutions the world over. They nurture and bolster our desire for a vibrant rebirth.
3b Note du Programme doctoral en Anthropologie Sociale (PPGAS) sur l’incendie du Museu Nacional de Rio de JaneiroL’année où nous fêtons les deux-cents ans de la fondation du Museu Nacional et les cinquante ans de la création du Programme de post-graduation [troisième cycle] en Anthropologie sociale (PPGAS) s’est déclaré un incendie ravageur qui a dévasté le palais de Sao Cristovao et a plongé l’institution dans une phase inédite de son existence.
Nombreux étaient les défis liés à la co-habitation dans un bâtiment historique du XVIIIe siècle entre une vie scientifique multiforme et puissante, d'un côté, et les collections scientifiques, archives historiques, laboratoires, bibliothèques et salles de cours, d'un autre. S'ajoutait à cela un manque de ressources, faisant suite aux coupes budgétaires brutales du gouvernement fédéral concernant la culture, l'éducation, et la science.
Le PPGAS est le premier programme doctoral en anthropologie fondé au Brésil. C'est une institution à la renommée nationale et internationale, où on produit des connaissances, où sont formés de jeunes chercheurs du Brésil et d'autres parties du monde, et à partir d’où se diffusent des objets, des débats et des approches qui dynamisent l'anthropologie et les sciences sociales. Nous avons créé la revue Mana. Estudos de Antropologia Social, nous avons maintenu l'une des principales bibliothèques dans ce champ d'études, nous avons participé à la discussion et à la formulation de politiques publiques et des luttes pour la reconnaissance de droits sociaux – de la démarcation de terres indigènes et quilombolas jusqu'à la mise en oeuvre plus récemment d’actions affirmatives pour Amérindiens et Noirs. Nous avons ainsi contribué à renouveler la production des sciences sociales, tout en prenant notre part au rôle que joue l'université publique de haute qualité dans la démocratisation du Brésil.
Mutilés par l'incendie et par la perte conséquente de la plupart de notre précieux patrimoine, nous sommes engagés à réunir les conditions nécessaires à notre vitalité académique et scientifique, en misant non seulement sur la poursuite de nos actions, mais aussi sur la construction d'un nouvel avenir.
Nous remercions pour les nombreuses manifestations de solidarité et de soutien de la part d'individus et d'institutions du monde entier. Elles nous réconfortent et ne font que renforcer notre détermination et notre énergie pour une renaissance.
9. The Joel S. Kahn Memorial Essay Prize
Critique of Anthropology is pleased to announce an annual Joel S. Kahn Memorial Essay Prize.
Joel (1946-2018) was a founding member of the Critique group and was an active editor until his departure to Australia.
There his interests expanded beyond the signal contributions he had made to the development of Marxist analyses in anthropology to pursue a broader critical approach to the social and cultural construction of Southeast Asian modernity that continued to challenge conventional anthropological thinking in enormously productive ways.
The topic of the essay should concern any area to which Joel contributed, in keeping with the Journal’s aim to maintain critical scrutiny of the state of the field.
Essays will be judged by a panel of Critique editors; will be no longer than 8 thousand words in length; and the winning essay will be published in the journal.
The Prize for the winning essay will be £2,000. The deadline for submission is 1 March 2019.
10. EASA Berghahn book series
As of June 1st 2018, EASA members are entitled to a 25% discount off any Berghahn title when ordering via the Berghahn website.
Simply insert the code EASA at checkout. See below a selection of newly-published titles in the series.
New in Paperback in EASA series:
Volume 25: August 2018 $29.95/£21.00
FLEXIBLE CAPITALISM: Exchange and Ambiguity at Work
Edited by Jens Kjaerulff
Introducing anthropological exchange theory to a wider readership, this volume explores sociality in work environments marked by the kind of structural changes that have come to define contemporary “flexible” capitalism. It makes a novel contribution to a trans-disciplinary scholarship on contemporary economic practice, and to the anthropological literature on work and on exchange.
Volume 28: August 2018 $29.95/£21.00
WORLD HERITAGE ON THE GROUND: Ethnographic Perspectives
Edited by Christoph Brumann and David Berlin
The UNESCO World Heritage Convention of 1972 is a key arena for contemporary cultural and natural conservation. In case studies from across the globe, anthropologists with situated expertise in specific World Heritage sites explore the consequences of the World Heritage framework and the global spread of this heritage regime.