EASA Newsletter No 79 October 2021
Table of contents
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1. Letter from the President

The EASA President summarises the issues the Executive is currently working on.
2. EASA announces new Integrity Committee

The new committee will independently review matters of academic integrity raised by EASA members, and prepare guidelines for good practice.
4. Collaborative research and authorship in anthropology: EASA good practice guidelines

After a lengthy, collaborative process, we have final draft guidelines offering advice on good academic practice when carrying out research and writing in collaboration with others, or as part of a larger research team.
5. Announcement of autumn webinars

Following a positive response to EASA’s 2020 webinars, a series for this autumn has been proposed.
6. Network news

EASA’s networks remain busy despite the pandemic, with most workshops and conferences happening virtually.
7. ISE position paper on Horizon Europe

EASA’s networks remain busy despite the pandemic, with most workshops and conferences happening virtually.
8. CfA: Database for anti-precarity practice in Higher Education in Europe and beyond

EASA is recruiting a consultant researcher so as to extend its work on precarity and casualisation.
9. Call for EASA website redesign

EASA is calling for bids from designers to overhaul their web presence.