16th EASA Biennial Conference
New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe
21-24 July 2020 in Lisbon
ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and ICS-Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
EASA2020 Lisboa - Film programme
22 accepted films as list 4 days 12 sessionsReflexive Encounters
Thursday 23 July
Film Screening + Q/A: 14:00-16:00
LIVE Q/A: 15:40
Nous Sommes Ensemble
(We are Together)

In the Cameroonian city of Ngaoundéré many socially vulnerable people search to improve their lives by establishing relations of trust and mutual solidarity with wealthier individuals called ‘patrons’. Jean Louis is a Central African young man, who is in search of a better life condition in the city for himself and his family. Ascanio is an Italian studying abroad (Norway), to become a visual anthropologist. What will come out from this encounter, when they are both striving to achieve their aims?
Nous Sommes Ensemble is a reflexive account on how the topic of research, patron-client relations, became impossible to disentangle from the researcher’s identity and subjective experience, once he was put into the same dynamics of power and togetherness that he intended to study.