Running a panel in a hybrid conference

17th EASA Biennial Conference
EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast
26-29 July, 2022

This page helps you prepare for the hybrid conference by explaining what is expected of you and the platform, volunteers, admin support and colleagues. You may have attendees and presenters face-to-face (f2f) in the room and remotely online in Zoom.

Each room has a computer with camera and microphone, connected to a projector and speakers. In larger rooms there may be additional microphones (lapel or ceiling). This computer will be used by presenters and convenors. The volunteer will start the session's Zoom on that machine, within Chrome, setting it to Gallery view so f2f delegates can see online delegates on the screen. All f2f presenters using a PowerPoint, etc. should sharescreen within Zoom so online delegates can see; online delegates will present sharing screen as they've done during the past two years of lockdown. Convenors should use the room's computer to monitor the chat (between/after presenters) for questions from online delegates. Alternatively convenors could bring a laptop/tablet/phone from which to monitor the remote participant questions. (Any additional devices in the room MUST have their sound muted/off throughout, and their microphones muted, most of the time.)

N.B. These computers do not have the Zoom app. When sharing screen from Zoom within the Chrome browser, the presenter will lose sight of the online delegates/Zoom. Do not worry. On completing the presentation and stopping the screen share, you will be returned to the Zoom/browser.

Please note: you will NOT be able to present from your own computer. Bring your files on a memory stick.

How to chair/convene your hybrid panel

As a chair/convenor, you should:

We recommend having at least two convenors: one to focus on the f2f session, the other to focus on the online session, both supported by the panel volunteer.

How to take questions

Agree with your volunteer and co-convenors how you’ll take online questions - there being two options:

Once decided on which option is to be used, communicate this to the whole room. If you go for the 'raise hand' option, it’s a good idea to have in place an alternative for people unable to present questions live (writing in chat for example) and decide who will be reading these questions out. Convenors should monitor the Zoom chat on the room's computer, or if they prefer, on their own device (with sound off).

F2F questions
For the online audience to hear questions from f2f participants, they need to be spoken into the room's mic. Decide which option you prefer:

This choice will be dictated by the type of equipment available (camera mic or ceiling/lapel mic) and the level of recording consent you have from the audience.

We recommend online questions be submitted in written format, and f2f questions are spoken from the front.

Plan your panel time

You will need to keep a strict eye on the time. Calculate the X minutes each speaker has based on the number of speakers in each session of the panel. Warn the speaker when they have 5 minutes remaining and when 1 minute is left; if they have not finished after X minutes, kindly but firmly bring them to a stop.

Make your wishes clear at the start of the session to both f2f and online participants, agreeing on both X minutes per speaker and how people will be reminded of how much time they have left.

Remote presentations

We recommend asking any colleagues presenting remotely to pre-record their presentation and send to you in advance, as connections can be unpredictable or consistently too poor to deliver a clear, audible presentation; or issues can arise on the day which can delay the panel.

Authors can still present live, but they should try to check their connection speed before the conference and decide whether live/recorded is best based on this information.

We’d also recommend ordering remotely presented papers after the f2f presentations, wherever possible, as experience suggests this makes for a smoother panel.

Volunteer responsibilities

The volunteer will start the Zoom and make chairs (if online) co-hosts, so that they have similar functionality as the volunteer. While chairs/convenors moderate presentations, the volunteer will try to solve technical issues - responding to any questions to do with screen sharing, cameras, mics etc. Sometimes they may consult the chair/convenor on what advice to give: for example, if a speaker is on a very poor connection, it may be a good idea for them to send their presentation file via the Zoom chat and have someone else share screen while they give oral directions. If you are confident in Zoom, please take such tasks (sharing screen, spotlighting etc) on yourself and leave the volunteer to other tech support (ensuring mics stay muted, responding to cries of help in chat, etc.) If anything happens that the volunteer does not know how to solve, they will call in a NomadIT administrator who will assist.

Recording policy

The conference aims to make panel recordings available to delegates to view at a time that suits them, giving better access for remote participants and those who missed particular panels for various reasons. If your panel does not wish to be recorded at all, you can ask the volunteer to NOT begin recording at the beginning of the session. Alternatively you can ask the conference administrators to delete the recording later. Presenters can also ask for the recording to be paused while they are presenting. (Please remind the volunteer to restart the paused recording for the next presenter!)

Recordings will appear embedded on the panel page a couple of hours after the session ends, visible only to delegates. A couple of months after the conference, we may contact you to enquire whether the recording is to be deleted, retained for delegates, or made more widely available.

Accessing the Zooms

A link to ‘Enter the virtual room’ will be shown in the header of the panel page (the panel explorer on the website) to logged-in, paid-up delegates. Click that to enter the zoom for that panel. Make sure you are clear about the time zone - use the timezone converter to avoid any confusion.