Information for participants
17th EASA Biennial Conference
EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast
26-29 July, 2022
What do you mean by fully-hybrid?
EASA2022 was a fully-hybrid event:
- Panels took place in rooms in Belfast with face-to-face (f2f) participants but had a centrally organised individual Zoom meeting - hosted by the conference volunteers and overseen by the conference organisers - with the link visible to logged-in, paid-up delegates from the panel page. f2f presentations and any f2f questions/discussion were be captured by an external webcam and cam/lapel mic, while online presentations/questions were heard in the room across a set of external speakers and seen on the screen.
- Plenary events took place using the Zoom webinar feature so that online participants and also f2f participants who were unable to enter the auditorium due to possible capacity issues (Covid or other) could watch. The Chair took online questions via the Q&A function in the webinar.
- A conference-wide chat space was created to allow all participants to exchange messages, etc regardless of whether f2f or remote, as long as they had online access.
How to run a hybrid panel and what to expect as a participant
Read this page with detailed information for convenors, chairs, presenters and participants as to how best to run a panel in this hybrid context, and what to expect.
How to update your contact information
Log in from the Log in link top-right in the toolbar above and once logged in, click Logged In and Manage Account in the drop-down. You can add both a short bio and an avartar. Or watch this short video.
How to share your panel page with others
Click on the panel header to expand the panel details and then click on the circular share icon to find different options: email, Twitter, etc. Or watch this short video.
Communication between authors/convenors/delegates
Convenor/author/participant email addresses are not shown on the panel/participant pages for privacy reasons, but there is an in-built secure email messaging system you can use on those pages. If you cannot work that, please email conference(at) to obtain relevant email addresses.
We'd ask participants to ensure maximum accessibility wherever possible. See our guidelines.
Anti-harassment policy and how to report harassment
Reports of harassment can be made via electronic channels or made in person at the 'purple point' in the NomadIT office. See our guidelines.
Travel and visa information
View dedicated pages on both traveling to Belfast and visas.
Using Cocoa to manage your panel
Convenors should login from the Log in link in the toolbar above to manage/mark-up paper proposals, state any specific timing requests for their panel, and place the papers in order. If an author emails to withdraw their paper, the paper should be marked as 'Withdrawn' in the login environment and the conference admin notified. The Cocoa panel page has a tool convenors can use to email authors their decisions (and keep in touch during the whole conference process).
Distribution of papers over sessions
No panel session should include more than five papers, but can include fewer - this is a convenor decision. For example, a panel with seven accepted can be split over two sessions as 5+2 or as 3+4, etc. When Early Bird registration is closing, we will request convenors to indicate how they want to divide the papers in the ‘Requested timing’ field in Cocoa (it should not be done earlier than that, as withdrawals often occur around the time when Early Bird prices end). Convenors should allot each presenter a maximum of 15+5 minutes for panels of five papers, but 20+5 minutes for panels of four papers.
Using Cocoa to look up the fate of your paper
We have asked convenors to email authors about their decisions, but sometimes emails fail (or humans do), so you can check your paper acceptance status by logging into Cocoa (our online conference system) from the conference website (see the Log in link with the human head icon in the top right of your screen). Once logged in, click on the Logged in drop-down menu, select Conferences, scroll down to Papers, and find the conference paper and check its status. If it says ‘pending’, the decision is yet to be made. Accepted/rejected speak for themselves and you can read more below as to what ‘transfer’ means.
Authors can use this same Log in space (Cocoa) to edit their proposals as well as their personal details (add new institution, correct a spelling error etc.) - see next item.
Multiple roles in the conference
Each participant is permitted to present a paper once, convene once (either a lab or a panel), be a discussant once (in a panel, lab or roundtable), be a chair once (in a panel, lab, or roundtable). Please note that roundtable participants are considered discussants.
Number of sessions
Each panel will be allocated an appropriate number of 105 minute sessions based on how many papers it accepts: up to five papers gets one session; six-ten papers gets two sessions. A handful of panels receiving a very large number of papers may be permitted to accept 15 papers (three sessions). All roundtables will run for one session.
Multiple paper submissions
An individual is not permitted to present more than one paper (it is allowed to be a co-author in more papers, as long as one is not presenting those). Once the papers have been marked up, all those who submitted multiple proposals and had those accepted will have to email conference(at) and inform us which paper(s) they wish to withdraw. If one of your multiples got accepted and another was set to transfer, we will withdraw the transfer paper on your behalf.
Paper transfer process
Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for 'transfer', will be given the opportunity to be rehoused into other panels. The conference organisers will contact the authors of the ‘transfer’ proposals asking them to modify their abstracts to fit another panel of their choosing from a list of those with space for additional papers (panels with fewer than the allowed maximum of ten papers).
The authors will then inform us of two panels they wish to apply to (in order of preference). We then forward the title, short and long abstracts to the panel convenors asking them to consider the proposal. If rejected by the first panel, we contact the second choice. Transfers rejected by both panels will then be set to 'rejected'. We aim to resolve all transfers by the beginning of May.
Adding co-authors, co-convenors, chairs and discussants
If you did not specify colleagues when proposing the panel/paper, these will need adding manually by the conference administrators (as you cannot yet add these yourself in Cocoa). Please email the conference administrators with names and email addresses and role they’ll play, and we will email them a request to add their details so we can add them to your content.
EASA membership
Signing up for the membership and paying the membership fee is a separate process from conference registration.
All authors and panel convenors must be members of EASA (during 2022) by the time they register and have paid their subscription before the conference, but one does not have to be a member when proposing a panel/paper and have it accepted. There will be a financial incentive to become an EASA member for all delegates, as non-members will pay a higher registration fee. Read more about membership categories here.
If you are presenting at the conference and hence obliged to join EASA, but are not an anthropologist nor working within anthropology, please email membership(at) to request special guest status. Special guest status is not a membership, so the non-member (conference) registration rates would apply.
N.B. If you are a former member of EASA but your membership has lapsed, please log in to Cocoa to request a membership renewal. Please do not make another application for membership! Once logged in (top right of this page), click the Logged in drop-down menu and select Memberships. Click on your EASA membership and on the next page look for the list of categories and use that tool to send an email (in the background) to the membership administrator.
Pre-circulation of papers
EASA has no rule about this; however many convenors are keen to pre-circulate completed papers. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the online system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the panel page on this site. Whether those show to panelists/delegates/public can be specified by the panel convenors emailing the administrators. The default is public.
Please note that EASA does not publish conference proceedings (only the short abstracts of papers and panels will be included in the conference programme) nor does it facilitate deals with journals. Convenors and authors are of course welcome to pursue publishing possibilities on their own.