Events of NAGS
Workshop - LGBTIQ+ Feminist Resistance and Empowerment Against Conservative Ideologies
March 10th and 11th, 2025
Complutense University of Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología (Campus Somosaguas)
Venue: Sala de Juntas, 3rd floor
The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
- Network for the Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality
- Network for Anthropology and Social Movements
In partnership with:
- Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender, University of Brighton
- Anthropology, Diversity and Integration Group, Complutense University of Madrid
In order to participate in person, please write an email to nags.enqa2023(at)
In order to participate online, please use the links in the program and also write an email to nags.enqa2023(at)
Tales of Resistance
Contemporary societies are witnessing a resurgence of conservative and right-wing ideologies that challenge hard-won social and political gains, particularly in the realm of gender and sexuality. These movements, characterized by a backlash against progressive social change, not only target women and LGBTIQ+ communities but also threaten to erode rights and freedoms across a spectrum of social justice issues. We observe a concerted effort to dismantle reproductive rights, social safety nets, and promote discriminatory policies that marginalize and oppress vulnerable populations. This workshop seeks to critically examine the multifaceted challenges posed by these contemporary conservative and right-wing actors and movements and explore the diverse strategies employed by social movements to resist oppression and build a more just and equitable world.
Day 1: Monday, March 10th, 2025
9:30 - 10:00 | Opening Session
- Welcome and introduction to the workshop (Rafael Cazarin, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Maria Soledad Cutuli, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Christine Hämmerling, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
- Overview of themes and objectives
10:00 - 11:00 | Hybrid Panel 1: Gender-Based Violence
- Judith Goetz (In-person): Politicizing Feminicide: Counter-Strategies Against Extreme Right-Wing Instrumentalization of Gender-Based Violence
- Carolina Andrade Amaral / Nikolina Janjic / Jordi Bonet-Martí / Barbara Biglia: Antifeminist Backlash and Gender-Based Violence Denial in Generation Z: Critical Pedagogies and Intersectional Challenges
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00 | Hybrid Panel 2: Mobilizing Against Anti-Gender
- Piotr Goldstein: Local and Transnational Sisterhood and Solidarity: Polish-Argentinian-Ukrainian Networks and Inspirations in Berlin
- Mina Baginova: Mobilising Against Anti-Gender Alliances: The Emergence of a New Wave of Feminist Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe
- José Barrera Blanco: In the Eye of the (Anti-Gender) Storm: Resistance and Mobilization of LGBTIQ+ Believers within the Spanish Catholic Church
13:00 - 14:30 | Lunch Break
14:30 - 16:00 | Panel: Neoliberal Perspectives
- Anita Fuentes and Ekaitz Cancela Rodríguez: Feminist Resistance in the Age of Techno-Capitalism: Rethinking Digital Feminism from the Global South
- Lilu Knape: Queer-Feminist Resistance in Beyoğlu: Navigating Neoliberal Urbanism, Securitization, and Antifeminist Mobilizations Through Time and Space
- Sascha Sistenich: “We are not yet queer” - Prefigurations of Social Transformation in Queer Movements & Activism in Germany
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:30 | Indoor Workshop with Gabriel Hoosain Khan
- Hands-on session CCoLAB / Creative Resistance
Day 2: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025
9:30 - 10:30 | Panel: Homo-Nationalism @ Rainbow Washing
- Ramil Zamanov: Post-Soviet 'Homo-Nationalist Attempts': Azerbaijan's Authoritarian Turn, the Second Karabakh War, and the Illusion of Queer Inclusion
- Jett Morgan: Making a Case Against Homonationalism: Colonial Legacies in the Home Office's Rainbow Washing of Queer Asylum
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 | Panel: Resistance
- Annelie Neumann: Queer Asylum: Between Homonational Imaginaries and Heteronormative Exclusions in Times of Increasingly Restrictive Migration Policies
- Pelin Çakir: When Intimacies Aid in Reproducing Resistance Amidst Violence and Oppression
12:00 - 12:30 | Coffee Break
12:30 - 13:30 | Panel: Historical Perspectives
- Emrys Travis: Gay Identity, Queer Resistance, and the Horizon of Liberation
- Ruby Mascarenhas: Tales of Transgression in Troubled Times: Transcestrality, Trans-Agency, and Trans-Resistance in Trajectories Between Brazil and Germany
13:30 - 15:00 | Lunch Break
15:00 - 16:30 | Outdoor Workshop with Elisabeth Pedersen
- Exploring ecofeminism and community engagement
18:00 - 20:00 | Chueca Tour with José Ignacio Pichardo Galán
- Guided tour for active workshop participants
20:30 | Dinner
- Pizzi & Dixie - Informal gathering to wrap up the workshop (at one's own expense)
From the City Center:
Option 01 By Metro & Bus
- Take Line 3 (Yellow line) or Line 6 (Gray Line) to Moncloa Station.
- Exit the metro and take bus A towards Campus de Somosaguas.
- Get off at the last stop, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
Option 02 By Metro & Bus
- Take Line 5 (Light green line) to Aluche Station.
- Exit the metro and take bus H towards Campus de Somosaguas.
- Get off at the last stop, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
Option 03 By Metro & Bus
- Take Line 10 (Blue line) to Colonia Jardín Station.
- Exit the metro and take bus H towards Campus de Somosaguas.
- Get off at the last stop, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
From Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez Airport:
By Metro & Bus
- Take Line 8 (Pink Line) from Aeropuerto T1-T2-T3 or Aeropuerto T4 towards Nuevos Ministerios.
- Transfer to Line 6 (Gray Line) towards Moncloa.
- Follow the same bus directions as above.
NAGS Network Meeting
10 September 2024, Online
Panel at EASA2022: P173 Transforming the future: Gender/sexual citizenship and the horizons of hope
Convenors: Monika Baer (University of Wrocław), An Van Raemdonck (Ghent University)
By means of ethnographically and theoretically informed case studies, the panel seeks to explore the dynamics of gender/sexual citizenship as a site of social and political mobilization in grassroots settings, which gives hope to transform the oppressive present.
7-8 December 2021
Two-day Virtual Workshop ‘Anthropology of reproductive governance and justice’
In an era of anti-gender movements, political opposition to academic education in gender studies and critical race studies, and infringements on reproductive rights and legislation in various countries across the globe, anthropologists have been turning more and more toward the study of the political, social and cultural entanglements of gender and anti-gender thought. After focusing on anti-gender and far-right movements in 2019 in Amsterdam, the upcoming EASA’s Network for the Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality invites you to a two-day virtual workshop on the anthropology of reproductive governance and justice, to be held on 7-8th of December, 2021.
In this workshop, we aim to address contemporary dynamics and challenges in the anthropological study of reproductive governance and justice in different contexts across the globe.
Read more about the workshop here.
Click here for the event programme.
The demonstration organized in Warsaw, Poland by Razem, leftist political party to protest against visit of Donald Trump, July 6 2017. Photo by Jacek Malczewski, Agencja Gazeta,
We wish to invite you all to our annual Network Meeting ahead of the EASA conference, on Monday July 20, 4 pm WST/BST. You can check your time zone here:
We want to pick up our conversation where we left it at our meeting last September during the two-day International Workshop entitled ‘Is Gender Dangerous? Unravelling anti-gender and anti-migrant movements and reflecting on the current challenges of doing research on gender’, hosted by VU University Amsterdam.
We live in politically and socially challenging times and witness polarization in which issues of gender and sexuality are playing a central role. Women’s and LGBT rights, femininity and masculinity, have all entered new interesting phases of being interwoven with nationalism by right-wing, populist and other political and social actors.
Anthropologists have a lot to contribute to this conversation and are only beginning to investigate these complex developments through in-depth online and offline ethnography.
Join our meeting to discuss these and other topics of your concern! We welcome fresh ideas, input and initiatives to develop with the Network!
We particularly welcome candidates to take up tasks within NAGS in the following teams:
1) Social Media
2) Organisation Committee for the next Interannual Meeting and Workshop
Let us know if you are interested and join by rsvp here: Please note that to attend the Network Meeting you do not need to participate in the EASA 16th Biennial Conference.
Those of you who participate in the virtual EASA 2020 are warmly invited to join the NAGS panel, co-organized with European Network for Queer Anthropology (ENQA), P014 “Despite differences? Identity politics and solidarities in/of feminist and queer projects”, which takes place on Friday, July 24 and starts at 11 am WST/BST.
We look forward to seeing you soon, An and Monika
19-20 September 2019, VU University Amsterdam
Is Gender Dangerous? Unravelling anti-gender and anti-migrant movements and reflecting on the current challenges of doing research on gender
The Network for the Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality (NAGS) of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) held its Interannual Meeting and two-day workshop on 19-20 September 2019 at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Conference programme
Conference poster
Call for Papers:
19-20 September 2019, VU University Amsterdam
Is Gender Dangerous? Unravelling anti-gender and anti-migrant movements and reflecting on the current challenges of doing research on gender
Over the last years, we have witnessed a growing importance of gender and sexuality issues in public and political debate, particularly in relation to migration and refugee issues. During this NAGS interannual meeting, we aim to interrogate the roles of anthropologists and students of gender and sexuality in current changing social landscapes marked by heightened nationalism and the rise of populist and right-wing thought.
The Network for the Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality (NAGS) of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) will hold its Interannual Meeting and two-day workshop on 19-20 September 2019 at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
We welcome contributions by anthropologists and others with different disciplinary backgrounds who engage with current social, political and cultural entanglements of gender and anti-migration. We particularly invite contributions that engage broadly with the themes (read more here).
Please read more here
(En)gendering new conversations: ethnographic research and its contribution to politicized debates on gender and sexuality
23-24th of November
Faculty of Theology Groningen, the Netherlands
Read the theme and programme
Panel at EASA2016: P139 Religion, maternal identities and practices
Convenors: Florence Pasche Guignard (Université de Fribourg)Dawn Llewellyn (Chester)
Panel: The role of gender in the distinctions between religion, secularity and spirituality
Anna Fedele and Kim Knibbe organized a panel at the IAHR conference in Erfurt titled “The role of gender in the
distinctions between religion, secularity and spirituality”, which generated quite a lot of interest.
Panel: Innovation and continuity in the anthropology of gender and sexuality EASA conference,
Tallinn 2014
The inaugural panel of the network entitled “Innovation and continuity in the anthropology of gender and sexuality” received many paper proposals and we had to turn down very good papers. The 11 papers that were selected touched upon a diversity of topics and attracted more audience than we expected, we had difficulties accommodating them all. We are planning to publish an edited volume based on the outcomes of this panel.
Panel: Same-sex sexualities and ethnic minorities in Europe EASA conference Tallinn 2014.
This panel was co-ordinated by Wim Peumans, Luca Bartozzi and Linda Sólveigar Guðmundsdóttir. It was associated also with the European Network for Queer Anthropology)
Network meeting at the EASA conference in Tallinn, 2014
The first network meeting was attended by some 30 colleagues and some of them offered to
help us organize the network and develop the list serv as well as a webpage.
Brief summary of the main points we discussed
Future plans: Organization for 2017 of a network meeting, a conference about the anthropology of gender and sexuality, following the example of other networks (e.g. medical anthropology network) holding their meetings in the years when there is no EASA conference taking place Creation of subgroups: we encouraged the creation of subgroups within NAGS focusing on certain geographical or thematic areas.
Laura Stark has proposed the creation of a subgroup on Africa. Her email: laura.stark(AT)
- with the Association for Feminist Anthropology (AFA) of the American Anthropological
Association (AAA). We also discussed the idea of possibly organizing some joint
activities like webinars for example. - with the EASA network for queer anthropology, we already talked with the conveners
of this network about possible future activities in common
Future possible collaborations proposed by participants during the network meeting
- with LOVA, the Netherlands Association for Gender Studies and Feminist Anthropology
- with the gender network of the Brazilian association of anthropologists (ABA)