Events by the Anthropology of Humanitarianism Network


Network Meeting

24 July 2024 15:00 CEST, Barcellona
The meeting will take place at the EASA2024 Conference, Facultat de Geografia i Història 211.


At the 17th EASA conference in Belfast (July 26-29, 2022), the AHN supported panel “Moral Labor in Humanitarian Projects (P174)” was organised by AHN members Jan Grill (University of Valle) and Carna Brkovic (University of Goettingen), with 8 papers presented.
The panel description can be found here.

Broadening Humanitarianism, AHN symposium
10-11 June 2021, Online

We are very happy to share with you the final program for the Broadening Humanitarianism symposium, along with the compiled abstracts. The symposium will take place during 10-11 June online. We thank our wonderful colleagues, Pedro Silva Rocha Lima (University of Manchester) and Valentina Benincasa (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) for organising this event! Anyone interested can now register to listen via this link.

Click here to download the programme of the symposium.

Click here to download the book of abstracts of the symposium.

Our members took part in several exciting panels on humanitarianism during EASA 2020.

The AHN-supported panel “Locating the Humanitarian Impulse: Questions of Scale and Place”, organized by Tess Altman and Ekatherina Zhukova, took place in three sessions, over 3 days.

“Locating the Humanitarian Impulse: Questions of Scale and Place I”: Tuesday 21 July, 14:00-15:45

“Locating the Humanitarian Impulse: Questions of Scale and Place II”: Wednesday 22 July, 14:00-15:45

“Locating the Humanitarian Impulse: Questions of Scale and Place III”: Friday 24 July, 14:00-15:45

“Temporal Horizons in Development and Humanitarian Interventions: Traces, ‘Afterlives’, and Unintended Consequences”: Friday 24 July, 11:00-12:45 and 14:00-15:45

Intersections of Humanitarianism, AHN workshop
01-03 November 2019, Goettingen

The workshop was organized by Anthropology of Humanitarianism Network (AHN) of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) in cooperation with the Centre for Global Migration Studies Goettingen (CeMIG) and supported by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Council for European Studies at Columbia University, EASA, and CeMIG.

Download a printable version of the program here: AHN programme “Intersections of Humanitarianism”.

Download conference poster here: Intersections of Humanitarianism poster

See the keynote of the workshop 'Humanitarianism and the Manhunt: Migration and Predatory Sovereignty' by Elizabeth C. Dunn