Message posted on 30/08/2024

Call for abstracts: mobility of healthcare professionals - IMISCOE 2025

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Dear colleagues,

We are collecting contributions to a panel proposal (panel outline below) o=
n mobility of healthcare professionals which we plan to submit to the IMISC=
OE Annual Conference, 1-4 July 2025 in Paris, France. If you are interested=
to participate in this panel, please send us your abstract (max 250 words)=
as well as author names(s) and affiliations via and Deadline for abstracts is 15-9-=
Kind regards,
Anita B=F6cker & Iris Sportel

Call for abstracts: mobility of healthcare professionals
This panel seeks to explore mobility of healthcare professionals such as nu=
rses, care workers, doctors, or dentists. In times of worldwide increasing =
labour shortages in healthcare, many healthcare institutions are aiming to =
attract healthcare professionals from abroad. For example, according to WHO=
statistics, one in eight nurses currently practice in a country different =
from the one they were born in or trained. While their skills are in high d=
emand, at the same time, some healthcare professionals, especially those mo=
ving from the Global South to the Global North, encounter obstacles such as=
de-skilling and a lack of recognition of qualifications. In this panel we =
aim to examine mobility of healthcare professionals from different perspect=
ives, raising questions such as: How do processes such as de-skilling and c=
ultural differences in medical practice play a role in the experiences of m=
igrant healthcare professionals? How does working abroad for shorter or lon=
ger periods of time impact their career development and aspirations? What a=
re the experiences of mobile and non-mobile healthcare professionals with w=
orking in an international environment? How do sending and receiving states=
regulate mobility and/or migration of healthcare professionals and with wh=
at effects? What is the role of national bodies such as nursing association=
s or licensing organisations? What are the experiences of healthcare profes=
sionals who are family migrants or forced migrants and want to practice in =
their country of settlement? Aiming for a more nuanced perspective on mobil=
ity of healthcare professionals, we especially (but not exclusively) welcom=
e contributions that focus on mobility within the Global South as well as o=
n return migration.


dr. Iris Sportel (she/her)| Associate professor | Institute for Sociology o=
f Law/ Centre for Migration Law | Radboud University Nijmegen | Postbus 904=
9 6500 KK Nijmegen| Montessorilaan 10 (Grotius building) - room GR3.079 |e-=


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Dear colleagues,

We are collecting contributions to a p=
anel proposal (panel outline below) on mobility of healthcare professionals=
which we plan to submit to the IMISCOE Annual Conference, 1-4 July 2025 in=
Paris, France. If you are interested
to participate in this panel, please send us your abstract (max 250 words)=
as well as author names(s) and affiliations via
and Deadline for abstracts is 15-9-2024.

Kind regards,

Anita B=F6cker & Iris Sportel 

Call for abstracts: mobility  of healthcare professionals

This panel seeks to explore mobility of healthcare professionals such as nu=
rses, care workers, doctors, or dentists. In times of worldwide increasing =
labour shortages in healthcare, many healthcare institutions are aiming to =
attract healthcare professionals
from abroad. For example, according to WHO statistics, one in eight nurses=
currently practice in a country different from the one they were born in o=
r trained. While their skills are in high demand, at the same time, some he=
althcare professionals, especially
those moving from the Global South to the Global North, encounter obstacle=
s such as de-skilling and a lack of recognition of qualifications. In this =
panel we aim to examine mobility of healthcare professionals from different=
perspectives, raising questions
such as: How do processes such as de-skilling and cultural differences in =
medical practice play a role in the experiences of migrant healthcare profe=
ssionals? How does working abroad for shorter or longer periods of time imp=
act their career development and
aspirations? What are the experiences of mobile and non-mobile healthcare =
professionals with working in an international environment? How do sending =
and receiving states regulate mobility and/or migration of healthcare profe=
ssionals and with what effects?
What is the role of national bodies such as nursing associations or licens=
ing organisations? What are the experiences of healthcare professionals who=
are family migrants or forced migrants and want to practice in their count=
ry of settlement? Aiming for a more
nuanced perspective on mobility of healthcare professionals, we especially=
(but not exclusively) welcome contributions that focus on mobility within =
the Global South as well as on return migration.

dr. Iris Sportel (she/her)| Associate professor | Institute for Socio=
logy of Law/ Centre for Migration Law | Radboud
University Nijmegen | Postbus 9049 6500 KK Nijmegen| Montess=
orilaan 10 (Grotius building) - room GR3.079 |e-mail:|&n=


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