Message posted on 18/02/2025
Call for Papers Housing, Illegality and Criminal Actors
Dear all,
I am pleased to share the Call for Papers =
for a Paper Development =
Workshop I am co-organizing with Guillaume Dumont (Emlyon) on Housing, =
Illegality and Criminal Actors in the context of rapid urbanization and =
migration flows.=20
The workshop will take place at the Geneva Graduate Institute on 9-10 =
September 2025. The deadline to send abstracts is March 31st.=20
Warm wishes,
Elena Butti
Research Fellow
Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Secretary General=20
Soci=C3=A9t=C3=A9 Suisse des Am=C3=A9ricanistes (join us =
) | Twitter @ElenaButti =
| | BlueSky =
view formatted text
I am pleased to share the Call for Papers =
for a Paper Development =
Workshop I am co-organizing with Guillaume Dumont (Emlyon) on Housing, =
Illegality and Criminal Actors in the context of rapid urbanization and =
migration flows.=20
The workshop will take place at the Geneva Graduate Institute on 9-10 =
September 2025. The deadline to send abstracts is March 31st.=20
Warm wishes,
Elena Butti
Research Fellow
Centre on Conflict, Development & Peacebuilding
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Secretary General=20
Soci=C3=A9t=C3=A9 Suisse des Am=C3=A9ricanistes (join us =
) | Twitter @ElenaButti =
| | BlueSky =