Full English Master's programme in Sociology - Focus on Migration and Ethnic Studies at the University of Liège (Belgium)
Dear colleagues, We are organising a hybrid information session on our Master's programme i= n Sociology - Focus on Migration and Ethnic Studies at the University of Li= =C3=A8ge (Belgium) tomorrow 12/2 at 17h CET. If you think any of your stude= nts might be interested in this programme, please do not hesitate to send t= hem the following link to register and attend the session:=C2=A0https://www= .cedem.uliege.be/cms/c_12635726/fr/information-session-master-s-degree-in-m= igration-and-ethnic-studies. Additional information about this Master's programme can be found here:=C2= =A0https://www.programmes.uliege.be/cocoon/20242025/en/formations/bref/H2SM= IG01.html Thanks and best wishesElsa
Elsa MescoliCharg=C3=A9e de cours en Anthropologie des migrations CEDEM - Centre d=E2=80=99=C3=A9tudes de l=E2=80=99ethnicit=C3=A9 et des mig= rations LASC - Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle Universit=C3=A9 de Li=C3=A8ge, Facult=C3=A9 des Sciences Sociales Place des orateurs 3 (Quartier Agora), b=C3=A2t. 31, bte 24 4000 Li=C3=A8ge - Belgique T=C3=A9l. : 00 32 4 366 30 51
https://www.cedem.uliege.be/cms/c_5198178/fr/cedem-elsa-mescoli https://www.lasc.uliege.be/cms/c_3366094/en/mescoli-elsahttps://orbi.uliege= .be/simple-search?query=3Dmescoli