ENQA Bibliography
ENQA wants to invite all its members and all other scholars working within queer anthropology to participate in creating a living collective bibliography of European queer anthropology. To that end, ENQA has begun to gather scholarly work from within and/or important to European queer anthropology in the bibliography below. The aim of this bibliography is to engage scholars across the field of queer anthropology (and beyond) in forming a continuously growing set of references that can serve as inspiration for our scholarly community. As such, the bibliography on this homepage can be actively engaged with via the following link that leads to an online document to which everyone can make suggestions. ENQA will incorporate suggestions and comments continuously and update the bibliography on this page accordingly: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19P9ENAXdJFhxIpq4nXtmT7unGKDVUjhzNttT28HzsvA/edit?usp=sharing
Connecting Queer Anthropologies in/of Europe:
A Draft Bibliography Prepared for the European Network for Queer Anthropology
First drafted on the 25th of April 2018
What is this bibliography?
This bibliography is intended as a living document to be continuously drafted, revised, and updated to reflect the breadth and scope of queer anthropology in and of Europe as it develops. It is meant as a resource that ethnographers and other scholars working on gender and sexuality-related topics can draw on and to which they can make their own contributions.
What's queer?
As a set of political strategies and an umbrella term for sexual/gender identities and cultural practices, 'queer' defines a space of critical inquiry whilst also denoting certain forms of expression, affects, identities, and terms of relatedness.
What's anthropology?
Anthropology is a messy discipline and its boundaries cannot be clearly drawn, especially where there is overlap between fields with shared methodological approaches and objects of study. The work of scholars in sociology, human geography, women's and gender studies, and cognate disciplines within the humanities and social sciences overlaps with and informs the work of anthropologists. There is also considerable variation within 'anthropology' within different cultural and linguistic contexts. Many researchers carry out ethnography, do 'fieldwork', and conduct studies that many anthropologists recognise as part of their own knowledge base. With these points in mind, we consider 'anthropology' to encompass the range of ethnographic research that contributes to anthropological debates regardless of the disciplinary labels of the scholars who produce the work.
What's Europe?
Europe is, of course, a geographical area, but it is also a social and political construct with a particular set of histories. The task of thinking through queer anthropology within Europe poses a number of challenges and raises questions about the colonial and imperial legacies that frame anthropological enquiry. Why draw boundaries around Europe? What about the rest of the world, particularly the Global South? There is an obvious danger in advancing and reproducing Eurocentrism by defining a field of study through frameworks of national alliance. As a network within the European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA), ENQA represents anthropologists in Europe. In this way, the Europeanness of this bibliography reflects the makeup of the organisations' membership. This is, however, a transnational endeavour as the bibliography maps the work of European anthropologists working in a range of cultural contexts as well as non-European scholars who conduct research in Europe.
Why is my/their work not on this list?
If you see a glaring omission in the list and say to yourself, "They forgot to include work by xyz," please add the citation. The aim of the list is to develop a document that would outlive our current historical moment and serve as a resource for future scholars.
Why is so much of the list in English?
It is our goal to create a multilingual list of works that reflects the diversity and specificity of published works on queer topics. English is a lingua franca, but it is by no means the only language in which research in queer anthropology has been published. We enthusiastically encourage polyglots to contribute references for works in languages other than English.
Connecting Queer Anthropologies in/of Europe: ENQA's Living Bibliography
Aggleton, Peter, Warwick, Ian and Boyce, Paul. 2006. "Young people's same-sex relationships, sexual health and well-being." In Ingham, Roger and Aggleton, Peter (eds.) Promoting young people’s sexual health: International perspectives. Pp. 98–112. Abingdon, UK and New York, NY: Routledge.
Aggleton, Peter, Boyce, Paul, Moore, Henrietta L and Parker, Richard, eds. 2012. Understanding global sexualities: New frontiers. Abingdon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge.
Ahmed, Sara. 2006. Queer phenomenology: Orientations, objects, others. Durham: Duke University Press.
Amelang, Katrin, Beate Binder, Sven Bergmann, Anna-Carolina Vogel, Nadine Wagener-Böck (Hg.). nd. Körpertechnologien. Ethnografische und gendertheoretische Perspektiven. Berliner Blätter Bd. 70.
Amelang, Katrin, Beate Binder, Anika Keinz, Sebastian Mohr (Hrsg.). 2010. gender_queer ethnografisch. Ausschnitte einer Schnittmenge. Berliner Blätter 54.
Annfelt, Trine, Andersen, Britt, & Bolsø, Agnes (eds) 2008 Når heteroseksualteten må förklare sig, Fagbokforlaget
Avramopoulou, Eirini. 2016. "The affective echoes of an overwhelming life: The demand for legal recognition and the vicious circle of desire, in the Case of Queer Activism in Istanbul, Turkey." In Othon Alexandrakis (ed.), Figuring resistance: Ethnographic exercises for the new anthropology of social movements. Pp. 41-62. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Avramopoulou, Eirini and Irene Peano, eds. 2016. Porno-graphics and porno-tactics: Desire, affect, and representation in pornography. Punctum Books.
Bacchetta Paola. 2009. "Co-formations: Des spatialités de résistance décoloniales chez les lesbiennes “of colour” en France. Genre, Sexualité et Société 1(1) .
Bacchetta, Paola and Laura Fantone, eds. 2015. Femminismi Queer Postcoloniali: critiche transnazionali all’omofobia, all’islamofobia e all’omonazionalismo. Verona, Italy: Ombre Corte.
Bacchetta, Paola, Fatima El-Tayeb, Jin Haritaworn. 2015. "Queer of colour formations and translocal spaces in Europe." Society and Space 33(5): 769–778.
Baer, Monika. 2016. "Od „kłopotliwych związków” do „wspólnoty krytyków”? Antropologia i studia genderowe/queerowe we współczesnej Polsce." Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej nr 2016/1(24).
Baer, Monika. 2010/2. "L'invisible visible. Genre, sexualité et société civile." Traduit du polonais par Laurence Dyèvre. Ethnologie française 40: 245-255.
Besnier, Niko, 2002. "Transgenderism, locality, and the Miss Galaxy beauty pageant in Tonga." American Ethnologist 29(3): 534–566.
Binder, Beate (Hg.). 2013. Geschlecht – Sexualität. Erkundungen in Feldern politischer Praxis. Berliner Blätter Sonderheft 62.
Binder, Beate, Friedrich von Bose, Katrin Ebell, Sabine Hess, und Anika Keinz (Hrsg.). 2013. Eingreifen, Kritisieren, Verändern!? Interventionen ethnographisch und gendertheoretisch. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Binnie, Jon. 2004. The globalization of sexuality. London, UK: Sage.
Bolton, Ralph. 1995. "Tricks, friends, and lovers: erotic encounters in the field." In Don Kulick and Margaret Willson (ed.), Taboo: Sex, identity and erotic subjectivity in fieldwork. Pp. 140–167. New York, USA and London, UK: Routledge.
Bonaccorso, Monica M. E. 2008. Conceiving kinship: Assisted conception, procreation and family in Southern Europe. New York, USA: Berghahn.
Borneman, John. 1992. Belonging in the two Berlins: Kin, state, nation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Bousiou, Pola. 2008. The nomads of Mykonos: Performing liminalities in a 'queer' space. New York, USA: Berghahn.
Boyce, Paul. 2006. "Moral ambivalence and irregular practices: contextualizing male-to-male sexualities in Calcutta/India." Feminist Review 83(1): 79–98.
Boyce, Paul. 2007. "(Dis)locating men who have sex with men in Calcutta: Subject, space and perception." In Bhattacharyya, Subhabrata and Brinda Bose (eds.) The Phobic and the Erotic: The Politics of Sexualities in Contemporary India. Calcutta, India: Seagull Books.
Boyce, Paul. 2013. "The object of attention: same-sex sexualities in small town India and the contemporary sexual subject." In Srivastava, Sanjay (ed.) Sexuality studies. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press India.
Boyce, Paul. 2014. "Desirable rights: same-sex sexual subjectivities, socio-economic transformations, global flows and boundaries – in India and beyond." Culture, Health and Sexuality 16(10): 1201–1215.
Boyce, Paul and Anindya Hajra. 2011. "Do you feel somewhere in light that your body has no existence? Photographic research with men who have sex with men and people of transgender in West Bengal." Visual Communication 10(1): 3–24.
Boyce, Paul and Akshay Khanna. 2011. "Right and representations: querying the male-to-male sexual subject in India." Culture, Health and Sexuality 13(1): 89–100.
Boyce, Paul. 2008. "Truth and (mis)representations: Adrienne Rich, Michel Foucault and sexual subjectivities in India." Sexualities 11(1–2): 110–119.
Boyce, Paul. 2007. "'Conceiving kothis': men who have sex with men in India and the cultural subject of HIV prevention." Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness 26(2): 175–203.
Boyce, Paul and Dasgupta, Rohit. 2017. Utopia or elsewhere: queer modernities in small town West Bengal. In Kuldova, Tereza and Mathew Varghese (eds.) Urban utopias: excess and expulsion in neoliberal South Asia. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Boyce, Paul, E. J. Gonzalez-Polledo, and Silvia Posocco, eds. 2018. Queering knowledge: analytics, devices and investments after Marilyn Strathern." Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Boyce, P, M. Huang Soo Lee, C. Jenkins, S. Mohamed, C. Overs, V. Paiva, E. Reid, M. Tan, and P. Aggleton. 2007. "Putting sexuality (back) in HIV/AIDS: issues, themes and practice." Global Public Health 2(1): 1–34.
Broqua, Christophe. 2004. "Enjeux des méthodes ethnographiques dans l’étude des sexualités entre hommes." Journal des anthropologues 3(n° 82-83).
Broqua, Christophe et Fred Eboko. 2009. "La fabrique des identités sexuelles." Autrepart 1(n° 49.
Bunzl, Matti. 2004. Symptoms of modernity: Jews and queers in late-twentieth-century Vienna. Berkeley, USA: University of California Press.
Bunzl, Matti. 1997. "Outing as performance/outing as resistance: A queer reading of Austrian (homo)sexualities." Cultural Anthropology 12(1): 129-51.
Carnassale, Dany. 2014. "Le ragioni di un'assenza. Educazione alle tematiche relative al genere e alla sessualità nei contesti scolastici" in Bonetti, Roberta (ed.), La trappola della normalità. Antropologia e etnografia nei mondi della scuola, pp. 159–190.
Carnassale, Dany. 2013. "La "diversità" imprevista. Negoziazioni della maschilità, fluttuazioni identitarie e traiettorie alternative di migranti africani in Italia." Monde Migranti 3.
Chakrapani, Venkatesan, Paul Boyce, Peter A. Newman, and Ashok Row Kavi. 2013. "Contextual influences on condom use among men who have sex with men in India: subjectivities, practices and risks." Culture, Health and Sexuality 15(8): 938–951.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2018. « Gestation pour autrui. Faire naître des mères et des pères », in Isabel Côté, Jérôme Courduriès, Kevin Lavoie (dir.), Perspectives internationales sur la gestation pour autrui. Expériences des personnes concernées et contextes d’action. Montréal, Presses universitaires du Québec.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2017. « La lignée et la nation. État civil, nationalité et gestation pour autrui », Genèses, Dossier La reproduction nationale, n°108, pp. 29-47.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2017. « Nommer son enfant dans les couples de même sexe. », Clio, Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 44, Dossier Le nom des femmes, pp. 151-169.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2016. « Ce que fabrique la gestation pour autrui », Journal des Anthropologues, 144-145, dossier « parentés contemporaines », pp. 53-76 (available in English: « What Surrogacy Produces »).
Courduriès, Jérôme avec Martine Gross (2016). « La construction conjugale dans les familles homoparentales. Une organisation financière communautaire ou indépendante ? », Politiques sociales et familiales, n°120, pp. 43-58.
Courduriès, Jérôme avec Cathy Herbrand. (2014). « Genre, parenté et techniques de reproduction assistées : bilan et perspectives après 30 de recherche », Enfances, familles, générations, dossier « Parenté et techniques de reproduction assistée : Les enjeux contemporains au regard du genre », n°21, pp. 1-27
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2014. « Expérience homosexuelle et parenté. Des relations familiales contrastées », Dialogue, dossier « Quand l’homosexualité rencontre la famille », n°203, pp. 77-87.
Courduriès, Jérôme avec Martine Gross et Ainhoa de Federico. 2014. « Le recours à l’AMP dans les familles homoparentales : état des lieux. Résultats d’une enquête menée en 2012 », Socio-logos, n°9.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2014. « Le genre à l’épreuve de la conjugalité. Mouvements et recompositions de la masculinité des hommes en couple avec un autre homme », in M.-P. Anglade, L. Bouasria, M. Cheik, F. Debarre, V. Manry, C. Schmoll (dir.), Expériences du genre. Intimités, marginalités, travail et migration, Paris, Casablanca, Karthala, Le Fennec, pp. 91-110.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2013. « Pourquoi cette loi maintenant ? », in Irène Théry (dir.), Mariage de même sexe et filiation, Paris, Éditions de l’EHESS, coll. « Cas de figure », pp. 35-46.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2008. « Re-naître à l’autre sexe. Changement de prénom et de sexe à l’état civil », in Agnès Fine (dir.), États civils en questions. Nom, papiers et sentiment de soi, Paris, Éditions du CTHS, pp. 225-242
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2008. « L’argent chez les couples gays », in Hélène Belleau & Caroline Henchoz (dir.), L’usage de l’argent dans les couples : pratiques et perceptions des comptes amoureux. Perspective internationale, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 259-295.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2008. « Usages et représentations du pacs chez les couples gays », in Didier Le Gall (dir.), Genres de vie et intimité. Chroniques d’une autre France, tome 3, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 217-237.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2008. « Conjugalité et prévention du sida chez les gays », in Michel Bozon & Véronique Doré (coord.), Sexualité, relations et prévention chez les homosexuels masculins. Un nouveau rapport au risque, Paris, ANRS, coll. Sciences sociales et sida, pp.45-55.
Courduriès, Jérôme. 2006. « Les couples gays et la norme d’égalité conjugale », Ethnologie Française, 36-4, pp. 705-711 (available in English : « Gay couples and the norm of conjugal equality »)
Courduriès, Jérôme avec Isabel Côté et Kevin Lavoie. 2018. « Penser la gestation pour autrui à partir des expériences vécues : un ancrage empirique et multidisciplinaire », in Isabel Côté, Jérôme Courduriès, Kevin Lavoie (dir.), Perspectives internationales sur la gestation pour autrui. Expériences des personnes concernées et contextes d’action, Montréal, Presses universitaires du Québec.
Courduriès, Jérôme et Fine, Agnès, ed. 2014. Homosexualité et Parenté. París, France: Armand Colin.
Courduriès, Jérôme avec Sébastien Roux. 2017. « La reproduction nationale », Genèses,Dossier La reproduction nationale, n°108, pp. 3-8.
De Stéfano Barbero, Matías. 2017. "Hacerse hombre en el aula: masculinidad, homofobia y acoso escolar" cadernos pagu 50.
D Stéfano Barbero, Matías. 2015. "¿Morir de éxito? Cuatro apuntes sobre los desafíos de los estudios sobre masculinidades ante el patriarcado contemporáneo." Revista Andariegas, nº 3, pp.14-17. Enlace: http://issuu.com/comunicacion_social_ew/docs/andariegas3-1
De Stéfano Barbero, M.; Puche, L.; Pichardo, J. I. 2015. "El compromiso de la investigación social en la construcción de otra escuela posible." Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado.
Vol. 29, 1, abril 2015, pp.46-90. Enlace: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?Id=27439665004.
De Stéfano Barbero, M. and J. I. Pichardo. 2016. Sumando Libertades: Guía Iberoamericana para el abordaje del acoso escolar por homofobia y transfobia. Red Iberoamericana de Educación LGBTI. Enlace: www.educacionlgbti.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/SumandoLibertades_Nov16.pdf.
Dixon Laura J. 2015. "Black swan, white masks: Contesting cosmopolitanism and double misrecognition in a gay tourist town." Sexualities 18: 37-56.
Drew, Roger, Peter Aggleton, Paul Boyce, Helen Chalmers, Clare Maxwell, Saroj Pachauri, Felicity Thomas, Ian Warwick, and Kate Wood. 2011. "Social network analysis to evaluate organisational networks on sexual health and rights." Development in Practice 21(8): 1062–1079.
Edenheim, Sara 2009 Även queerteorin måste förklara sig - och ta ställning, Trikster #3 http://trikster.net/3/edenheim/1.html
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund. 2017. "Going public: Transnational Pride politics and queer grassroots activism in China." S & F Online 16(2).
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund. 2016. "Under pressure: Lesbian-gay contract marriages and their patriarchal bargains" In Stevan Harrell, and Goncalo D. Santos (eds.), Transforming patriarchy: Chinese families in the twenty-first century. Pp. 163–181.Washington, USA: University of Washington Press.
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund. 2015. "Queer/Tongzhi China: New perspectives on research, activism and media cultures." Gendering Asia Series. Copenhagen, Denmark: NIAS Press.
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund. 2014. Queer women in urban China: An ethnography. New York, N.Y. and London, UK: Routledge.
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund. 2012. "On urban anthropology in contemporary China. In Anthropology in the city: Methodology and theory. Pp. 191–213. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund. 2009. Intimate practices, conjugal ideals: Affective ties and relationship strategies amongst lala ('lesbian') women in contemporary Beijing. Sexuality Research & Social Policy 6(3): 3–15.
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund. 2008. "Queer ethnography in theory and practice: Reflections on studying sexual globalization and women’s queer activism in Beijing." GJSS: Graduate Journal of Social Sciences 5(2) 88–116.
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund, Paul Boyce, and Silvia Posocco, eds. 2017. Special issue: "Anthropology's queer sensibilities." Sexualities 0: 1–19.
Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund and William F. Schroeder. 2015. "Introduction: Queer/Tongzhi China." In Queer/tongzhi China: New perspectives on research, activism and media cultures. Pp. 1–17. Copenhagen, Denmark: NIAS Press.
Enguix, Begonya. 2009. “Identities, sexualities and commemorations: Pride parades, public space and sexual dissidence" en Anthropological Notebooks, vol. XV: 2, pp. 15-35, Ljubljana: Slovene Anthropological Society.
Enguix, Begonya. 2008. "Gendered sites: géneros en Internet" en E. Ardevol, A. Estalella. y D. Domínguez (coord), La Mediación tecnológica en la Práctica Etnográfica, San Sebastián: Ankulegi Antropología Elkartea, pp. 167- 182.
Enguix, Begonya. and E. Ardevol, E. 2010. "Bodies in Action: performing identity in dating sites." In Bianca M. Pirani and I. Varga (eds), Acting bodies and social networks: A bridge between technology and working memory. Pp. 359-370. Lanham: University Press of America.
Essig Laurie. 1999. Queer in Russia: A story of sex, self, and the other. Durham, USA: Duke University Press.
Goel, Ina 2016 Hijra Communities of Delhi Sexualities Vol 19, Issue 5-6, pp. 535 - 546
Gonzalez-Polledo, E. J. 2017. Transitioning: Matter, gender, thought. London, UK: Rowman and Littlefield International.
Gonzalez-Polledo, E. J. 2010. 'No se que otra cosa podria ser’: Medicina entre la elección y el cuidado en la transición FTM. In M Misse and G Coll-Planas (eds.), El Genero Desordenado. Criticas en torno a la patologización de la transexualidad (with a foreword by Judith Butler). Barcelona: Egales.
Graham, Mark. 2014. Anthropological explorations in queer theory. London UK and New York, USA: Routledge.
Graham, Mark. 2009. "LGBT Rights in the European Union." In Ellen Lewin and William L. Leap (eds.), Out in Public: Reinventing Lesbian/Gay Anthropology in a Globalizing World. Pp. 295–316. Blackwell.
Graham, Mark. 2004. "Sexual things." GLQ 10 (2): 299-303.
Graham, Mark. 1997. "Welcome to the land of anthropology: Need queers apply?" Antropologiska studier 58 7-25.
Graham, Mark, Paul Boyce, Elisabeth L. Engebretsen, E. J. Gonzalez-Polledo, Thomas Hendriks, Adnan Hossain, Silvia Posocco, Taylor Riley, Hadley Z. Renkin, and Heather Tucker. 2015. "Anthropologists are talking about queer anthropology." Ethnos 81(2): 364–377.
Gross, Martine. 2013." Les rabbins français face à l’homosexualité et à l’homoparentalité."
Normes religieuses et genre. Armand Colin.
Gross, Martine. 2006. "Homoparentalités : compositions familiales, décompositions de la filiation ?" Cités 4(n° 28).
Halvorsen, R. S. et Annick. Prieur. 1996. "Le droit à l'indifférence: le mariage homosexuel." Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 113: 6-15. [lead article in special issue on modern families]
Hendriks, Thomas. 2017. "A darker shade of white: expat subjectivities and ambivalent whiteness in a Congolese rainforest enclave." Africa 87(4): 683-701.
Hendriks, Thomas. 2017. "Queer(ing) popular culture: Homo-erotic provocations from Kinshasa." Journal of African Cultural Studies. URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/13696815.2017.1341833.
Hendriks, Thomas. 2017. “Erotiques cannibales”: a queer ontological take on desire from urban Congo." Sexualities. URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/1363460716677283.
Hendriks, Thomas. 2016. "SIM cards of desire: sexual versatility and the male homoerotic economy in urban Congo." American Ethnologist 43(2): 230-242.
Hendriks, Thomas. 2015. "Sexualities, Africa." In Whelehan, P. and A. Bolin (eds.), The international encyclopedia of human sexuality. Wiley-Blackwell.
Hendriks, Thomas. 2014. "Race and desire in the porno-tropics: ethnographic perspectives from the postcolony. Sexualities 17(1/2): 213-229."
Hendriks, Thomas. 2014. "Queer complicity in the Belgian Congo: autobiography and racial fetishism in Jef Geeraerts' (post)colonial novels." Research in African Literatures 45(1): 63-84.
Hendriks, Thomas. 2013. "Erotics of sin: Promiscuity, polygamy and homo-erotics in missionary photography from the Congolese rainforest." Visual Anthropology 26(4): 355-382.
Heywood, Paolo. 2018. After difference: Queer activism in Italy and anthropological theory. New York, USA and Oxford, UK: Berghahn.
Hossain, Adnan. 2017. "The paradox of recognition: hijra, third gender and sexual rights in Bangladesh." Culture, Health & Sexuality 19(12): 1418-1431.
Kantsa Venetia. 2002. "'Certain places have different energy': spatial transformations in Eresos, Lesvos." GLQ 8(1/2):35–55.
Kobelinsky, Carolina. 2015. "Juger '’homosexualité, attribuer l’asile." La Vie des idées, le 17 décembre. URL: http://www.laviedesidees.fr/Juger-l-homosexualite-attribuer-l-asile.html.
Kobelinsky, Carolina. 2012. "L’asile gay : Jurisprudence de l’intime à la Cour nationale du droit d’asile."
Droit et Société 82(3): 583-601.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2015. "Feminist and queer sex therapy: The ethnography of expert knowledge in Poland." In Hana Cervinakova, Michal Buchowski, and Zdeněk Uherek (eds.), Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe. Pp. 131–146. New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2017. Zobaczyć łosia. Historia polskiej edukacji seksualnej od pierwszej lekcji do internetu (To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education from the First Lesson to the Internet), Wołowiec, Czarne, pp. 424.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2015. Antropologia wobec dyskryminacji (Anthropology against discrimination) co-edited with Kamila Dąbrowska and Magdalena Grabowska, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, pp. 246.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2014. Płeć, przyjemność i przemoc. Kształtowanie wiedzy eksperckiej o seksualności w Polsce (Gender, Pleasure and Violence. The Construction of Expert Knowledge of Sexuality in Poland), Warszaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2014. 'Nauka o seksie a płeć. Uwarunkowania kulturowe, społeczne i ekonomiczne seksuologii głównego nurtu w Polsce i Stanach Zjednoczonych.' Kultura i Społeczeństwo", no. 1, 63-77.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2012. "Churches and Religious Communities in View of LGBT Persons.” In Situation of LGBT Persons in Poland. 2010 and 2011 Report, edited by Miroslawa Makuchowska and Michał Pawlęga, 145–165. Warsaw: Campaign Against Homophobia, Lambda Warsaw, Trans-Fuzja Foundation. http://www.kph.org.pl/publikacje/Raport_badania_LGBT_EN_net.pdf.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2012. Antropologia seksualności. Teoria. Etnografia. Zastosowanie [Anthropology of sexuality. Theory. Ethnography. Application], Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, pp. 521, edited volume.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2012. 'Twórcze odgrywanie Matki Polki i Matki Boskiej. Religia a symbolika macierzyńska w Polsce' [Creatively performing the Polish Mother and the Mother of God. Religion and the maternal symbolism in Poland], in: Pożegnanie z Matką Polką? Dyskursy, praktyki i reprezentacje macierzyństwa we współczesnej Polsce, eds. Renata E. Hryciuk, Elżbieta Korolczuk, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, pp. 147-164. Russian translation: Образ польской матери и Богородица: новое использование символики материнства, Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом [14], no. 3 (34) 2016.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2012. “ „Nie” znaczy „tak”? Dyskurs ekspercki na temat przemocy seksualnej wobec kobiet w prasie polskiej od lat 70. XX w. do dziś [15]’ [“No” Means “Yes”? Expert Discourse on Sexual Violence in Poland from the 1970s to present], Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej, pp. 37-53.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2012. “Czy onanista to też Polak? Debata o masturbacji 1993–1994 [16]” [Is an onanist also a Pole? The debate on masturbation 1993-1994], inter alia. pismo poświęcone studiom queer, no. 7.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2007. Gender. Perspektywa antropologiczna (Gender. An Anthropological Perspective), two volumes: vol. 1 Organizacja społeczna (Social Organization); vol. 2 Kobiecość, męskość, seksualność (Femininity, Masculinity, and Sexuality). Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (University of Warsaw Press), co-edited with Renata Ewa Hryciuk.
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