Muslim Worlds Network Events
MWN Seimnar Series
- October 23, 2024 – 5:00-6:30 pm CET
Nadia Fadil (KU Leuven), Skepsis and the Anthropological Encounter - May 8, 2024 – 4:00-5:30 pm CET
Emilio Spadola (Colgate University), The Foreignness of Writing: Recontextualizing the Anthropology of Islam - March 6, 2024 – 4:00-5:30 pm CET
Christian Suhr (Aarhus University), Anthropology of and from the heart
MWN Workshops
2025 (Venice)
In 2025 Fabio Vicini, Lili Di Puppo, and Francesco Piraino will co-organize a MWN Workshop at the “Cini Foundation” in Venice. Titled “Transcendence in the small gestures of life: Attention and care for nature and humans in Islam and other religious traditions”, the workshop aims to explore spiritual techniques that in Islam and other religious traditions are used to awaken attentiveness and care for the world, other humans, and creation and how these techniques inform the way we study not only religion but also the challenges humankind faces in the contemporary world, particularly the ecological crisis. The CfP will be out in Spring 2025.
2024 (Instanbul)
“1st Muslim Worlds Network Workshop”, Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, September 7-8, 2023. The workshop saw the participation of Müge Akpinar (Free University Berlin), Joud Alkorani (Radboud University), Lili Di Puppo (University of Rijeka), Amin El-Yousfi (University of Cambridge), Ismail Fajrie Alatas (New York University), Ashraf Hoque (University College London), Maria Louw (Aarhus University), Jesko Schmoller (Humboldt University), Annika Schmeding (Harvard University), Caroline Tee (Chester University), Fabio Vicini (University of Verona), Stefan Williamson Fa (Lund University), and (online) Joel Robbins (University of Cambridge).
For a report see here.
Panels at EASA conferences
EASA2022 Conference “Transformation, Hope and the Commons,” School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast, 26-29 July 2022.
Panel title: “Muslim imaginaries beyond mediation: Islam, the divine, and radical hope/transformation.”
Session 1
- Fabio Vicini (University of Verona) & Lili Di Puppo (University of Helsinki), Divine presence, Islam and the anthropology of religion: New horizons of knowing and being
- Stefan Williamson Fa (Lund University), Lovers of the Family of the Prophet: Towards a Relational Anthropology of Islam
- Jesko Schmoller (Humboldt University Berlin), "Waking from slumber": of Sufi aspirants beginning to perceive another reality
- Feyza Burak-Adli (Northwestern University), Sufi Ethics, Neoliberal Aesthetics, and Gendered Religious Authority in Turkey: The Case of Shaykha Cemalnur Sargut
- Mehmet Kurt (LSE), Allah, Bread, Freedom: Prayer as Protest, Mosques as Sites of Resistance and Radical Transformation
- Kim Shively (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania), Death in a Foreign Land: Exile and Islamic Sacred Time
- Müge Akpinar (FU Berlin), Therapeutic Fasting: Experiencing the Ontological Truth, Engaging in the Divine Time, and Embodying the Hope of Reviving the Sunnah
- Safwan Amir (Ahmedabad University), From Method To Concept: Vestigiality as an intercessor in the Anthropology of Islam
- Muhammad Osama Imran (University of Minnesota), Breaths of Intimacy: Haunted Subjectivities and Free Submission in the Sufi Practice of Zikr
- Bruno Bartel (Federal University of Piauí - UFPI), "Mystical learnings": self and reflexivity in contemporary Moroccan Sufism
Season 2
EASA2024 Conference “Doing and undoing with anthropology,” Barcelona, 23-26 July 2024:
Panel (online) title: “Contemplation and surrender as forms of undoing and knowing in an uncertain world [Muslim Worlds Network (MWN)].”
Session 1
- Christian Suhr (Aarhus University), Allowing the heart to open: A presentation of three examples by Muslim, Christian, and Buddhist practitioners
- Zora Kostadinova (University College London), “Surrendering to the states of the heart”: Sufi ritual and embodying divine love among Naqshbandi Muslims in Sarajevo
- Lili Di Puppo (University of Helsinki), Knowledge through surrender in uncertain times: Embracing Muslim modes of knowing as methodology
- Nasima Selim (University of Bayreuth), Un/Doing the breathing heart with “controlled equivocation”: Mis/Understanding secular suffering, Sufi healing, and anti-Muslim racism in Germany
- Lisa Franke (Ghent University), Organic Islam: Surrender and contemplation in the context of social transformation in Egypt
- Federico Sammarone (University of Milan-Bicocca), The effort of surrender: Control, anxiety, and acceptance in the experience of adolescent North African Muslim migrants in Milan
- Fabio Vicini (University of Verona), Contemplating God in contemporary Turkey: Ontology, Islam, transcendence
Session 2