STARTING SOON: Webinar with Roger Canals: "Ethical images: on violence, trust and care" 28th Feb
Dear All,
Just one hour left to the today's webinar Ethical images: on violence, trust and care, by Roger Canals (University of Barcelona/Visual Trust), starting at 16-17:30 CET/ 15-16.30 GMT/ 10-11:30 EST on Zoom (28th February). The link to the event below: Meeting ID: 858 3204 6756 Passcode: 832664
More on this event below as well as under this link: .
Apologies for any cross-posting
Ethical images: on violence, trust and care We do ethical things with images. Images are not just representations, but social agents which intervene in the world. Images weave the relationships that we maintain with other people. Images may hurt, betray, or offend. Yet they can also be an offering, a reward, a form of love, esteem, and care. In this talk, I will talk about violence and care in images, not only focusing on how these ethical dispositions have been depicted visually, but rather on how they are necessarily involved in the processes of image-making and image-circulation. Most of the metaphors about the act of making images have been based on a mode of violence and mistrust. And if we changed this paradigm?
About the speaker: Anthropologist and filmmaker, Roger Canals is associate professor at the University of Barcelona. He is currently the PI of the ERC-Consolidator Grant Visual Trust. Reliability, accountability and forgery in scientific, religious and social images (2021-2026). For more information, visit this site:
The webinar series “Images, Ageing and Care” is sponsored by the Images of Care Collective, Association for Anthropology, Gerontology and the Life Course (AAGE), , EASA’s Age and Generations Network (AgeNet) and the Network for Visual Anthropology of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (VANEASA). The series is free and open to all. It gathers anthropologists and image-makers interested in exploring the ontological and epistemological connections between images, aging and care, treating the relationship and these phenomena as requiring and inviting interrogation. Check up our current line-up here.
We looking forward to seeing you there! Barbara Pieta,Paolo Favero and Cati Coe
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