Networks: Visual Anthropology Network
Teaching Visual Anthropology in Europe
Belgium / Brussels
SIC - SoundImageCulture / Workspace recognised and funded by the Flemish community.
Information on University Department / Organisation
- SoundImageCulture / SIC is a group of artist-anthropologists committed to artful storytelling through real human encounters that challenge documentary conventions, and opens up to sound and image installations.
SIC offers a nine-month program to assist professional filmmakers, social scientists and artists in the realization of their personal project. The SIC involves a broad spectrum of theoretical perspectives and practical workshops so as to link formal and ethical questions during the production process as each creator develops their original, personal point of view.
Informed by developments in cultural theory, social sciences, and the visual arts (Laura Marks, Arjun Appadurai, Jean Rouch, Trinh Minh-ha en Jonas Mekas) we question the relation between artist, subject and viewer.
The answer is not to eschew representation; rather, SIC proposes an ethical reflection on how ‘the other’ is presented in contemporary media: we believe this to be an urgency of the multicultural society we live in. The SIC involves nine months of artistic coaching through collective seminars, individual advising, group critiques, and inter-artist dialogue. For additional perspectives, we host visiting artists and critics.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: / / / / / / film praxis
Further information: contact[at]
Bulgaria / Sofia
University St Kliment Ohridski / Ethnology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Students are introduced to the basics of VA (45hrs, 2 credits). They explore classic works and figures in the history of ethnographic film. The course consists of a series of themed lectures with screenings of films followed by practical individual/group work
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / / / / / / film praxis
Further information:
Denmark / Aarhus
University of Aarhus/Moesgaard Museum / Dept. of Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The new programmei s both an MA Programme /Eye and Mind) and a research programme (Camera as Cultural Critique), the latter encompassing initially at least seven different research projects focusing on visual activities.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / visual studies / research with photography / photographic praxis / research with film / film praxis
Further information: suhr[at]
Denmark / Copenhagen
Copenhagen / Dept. of Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Each semester, a practical „hands-on“ course in visual methods, filmmaking and WebDoc, followed by a course in Visual anthropological Theory, and a summer course in visual methods, filmmaking and WebDoc;
PhD courses in research with film; Media Lab (Ethnographic Exploratory); film club: AntroFilm;
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / research with film / film praxis
Further information: perle.mohl[at]
Estonia / Tallinn
Tallinn University / Social and Cultural Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The Audiovisual Ethnography Pathway in Social Anthropology is a 2 year (4 semester) course designed for researchers interested in acquiring practical and conceptual skills in audiovisual methodologies within the context of Visual Anthropology and anthropologically informed discourses and practises of observation, representation, and perception.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / research with film / film praxis
Further information: carlo.cubero[at]
France / Nanterre La Defense
Université Paris Ouest / Master Arts, Lettres, Langues
Mention : Cinéma et Audiovisuel
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Le Master 2 Cinéma anthropologique et documentaire s’adresse à des étudiants issus des sciences humaines (Anthropologie, Sociologie, Psychologie, Histoire, Géographie…) ou d’autres disciplines (Études cinématographiques, Études théâtrales, Lettres, Philosophie, Histoire de l’Art…) souhaitant s’initier à la recherche par la réalisation de films documentaires à base d’enquêtes de terrain.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: / / / / / / film praxis
Further information: gilles.remillet[at]
France / Tours
Université Francois-Rabelais Tours / Département de sociologie
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Dans le cadre du cours intitulé « Audiovisuel » ou « Pratique du cinéma documentaire et anthropologique », un cours de réalisation de films anthropologiques est dispensé par une enseignante spécialisée en anthropologie visuelle aux étudiants L2, L3 et Master. Ce cours porte sur l'intérêt d'avoir recours à l'image dans le cadre d'une étude sociologique ou ethnologique.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: / / / / / /
Further information: nadine.michau[at]
Germany / Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin / Institute for Social Anthropology
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (Department of Political and Social Sciences) at the Freie Universität Berlin, is offering an innovative continuing education Master's (M.A.) program in Visual and Media Anthropology. The two-year, full-time Master's program comprises 120 ECTS. The language of instruction is English. It is a web-based E-learning M.A. program with in-house workshops in blocks (2-3 weeks twice a year). Since its inception (winter semester 2008/2009), the program has a successfully high rate of applicants from countries all over the world. The program immatriculates between 20 and 30 students every year.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / photographic praxis / / film praxis
Further information: steffen.koehn[at]
Germany / Cologne
University of Cologne / Cultural and Social Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Courses in Visual Anthropology, Participatory Research Methods, Audiovisual Media, Transcultural Film are offered intermittently.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / research with photography / / research with film /
Further information: mpelican[at]
Germany / Göttingen
University of Göttingen / Department für Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- BA level: courses in filmanalysis and history of ethnographic film, practices in Visual Anthropology, Summer School: Ethnographic Filmmaking.
MA level: A four semester master course with film as an integral part of the Master thesis offered as an integral part of a full-value Master of Arts in Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / photographic praxis / / film praxis
Further information: tnaeser1[at]
Germany / Göttingen
University of Göttingen / Institut for Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- On the BA-level a 3-semster-course is offered concentrating on the use of photography and film as research tool. There is an emphasis on practical exercises.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - -
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / photographic praxis / / film praxis
Further information: anna[at]
Germany / Hamburg
HafenCity University Hamburg / Kultur der Metropole
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Visual Anthropology is taught as a part of the Bachelor program „Kultur der Metropole“.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - -
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / research with photography / photographic praxis / research with film / film praxis
Further information: kathrin.eitel[at]
Germany / Heidelberg
University of Heidelberg / Chair of Visual and Media Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- In terms of research and teaching focus, the department of Visual and Media Anthropology has a variety of foci, ranging from popular visual culture to film industries, curatorial strategies and contemporary art practices and markets, from urbanization processes to transnational migration (see the film portrait). Images and media have been mediators and sources of transcultural encounters and entanglements for a long time and across national borders, and play an increasingly important role in today's globalised worlds.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / visual studies / / / /
Further information: brosius[at]
Germany / Münster
University of Münster / Institut für Ethnologie
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Es werden regelmäßig zweisemestrige Lehrveranstaltungen in Theorie und Praxis der Visuellen Anthropologie angeboten, bei denen eigene studentische Filmprojekte entstehen.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / / film praxis
Further information: hbasu_01[at]
Germany / Munich
University of Munich / Institut for Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Die Visuelle Anthropologie beschäftigt sich mit sowohl mit der Produktion als auch der Rezeption audiovisueller Repräsentationen. Entsprechend ist auch die Lehre am Institut in beide Richtungen konzipiert. In Praxis-Seminaren, die (ethnologische) Filmtheorie- und Analyse mit einem empirischen Feldforschungs- und Filmprozess verbinden, setzen sich die Studierenden intensiv mit Fragen der Ethik, Repräsentation und Rezeption sozialer Wirklichkeiten sowie mit den vielfältigen Potentialen audiovisueller Medien im ethnologischen Kontext auseinander.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / / film praxis
Further information: julia.bayer[at]
Greece / Athens
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens / Faculty of Music Studies, Department of Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The course “Ethnographic Cinema and Documentary” focuses on the establishment of a basic theoretical and methodological background on visual anthropology, visual ethnography and visual ethnomusicology in parallel with a practical framework of critical discourse analysis of various films, giving special attention to the ethnographic filmmaking of music culture.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - -
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / visual studies / / / /
Further information: npoulaki[at]
Hungary / Budapest
Central European University / Sociology and Social Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / / / / / /
Further information: naumescuv[at]
Italy / Matera
University of Basilicata / Dipartamento delle culture europee e del mediterrano
Information on University Department / Organisation
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / /
Further information: francesco.marano[at]
Norway / Tromsoe
University of Tromsø / Visual Cultural Studies, Institute of Archeology and Social Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The Department of Archaeology and Social Anthropology offers a two-year full-time Master's programme in Visual Cultural Studies (VCS). The aim of this programme is to teach students how to produce knowledge about people's lives and cultures through an exploration of their everyday lives based on the use of qualitative social science research methods and ethnographic film. The programme combines lectures in academic theory and method, filmmaking and practical instruction in camerawork, sound recording and editing.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / / film praxis
Further information: trond.waage[at]
Portugal / Lisbon
Nova University Lisbon / Dep. of Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- In the Department of Anthropology we teach to undergraduates „Visual Anthropology“ (compulsory course) and „Ethnographic Fim“ (option). We have an MA in Visual Cultures (department of Anthropology together with some disciplines froim the Sciences of Communication Department, Cinema Studies). Students can do visual work as their Master Thesis (ethnographic films, photographic essay, work with visual materials made by others)
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / visual studies / research with photography / / research with film / film praxis
Further information: catcostacatarina[at]
Russia / Moscow
Russian State University for the Humanities / Russian Anthropological School
Information on University Department / Organisation
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: / / / / / /
Further information: 79161676623[at]
Solvenia / Koper
University of Primorska, Faculty of humanities / Department for anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation,_University_of_Primorska
- Ethnographic film and visual research.
History and methodology of visual anthropology.
Training of visual production (planning the production and the research, visual recordning and editing), screening of ethnographic films.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: / methodology / / / / / film praxis
Further information: nasko[at]
Spain / Barcelona
University of Barcelona / Department of Cultural Anthropology and History of America and Africa
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Master on Visual Anthropology (1 year), offered since 2005, both theoretical an practical. Equipment for shooting and editing is included and the final student work is a 30 minute film.
Visual Anthropology for BA students. Short courses on Visual Anthopology. Seminars and screenings.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / research with film / film praxis
Further information: master.antropologiavisual[at]
Switzerland / Berne
University of Berne / Institute for Social Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / visual studies / / / research with film / film praxis
Further information: Michaela.schaeuble[at]
The Netherlands / Leiden
Leiden University / Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- At Leiden University Visual Ethnography is taught in relation to the Anthropology of the Media, and is an important focus of research. Ethnographic filmmaking involves a specific research method, and results in the creation of audiovisual narratives. In addition to film practice, we want to understand ethnographic film as a specific media genre.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / / / film praxis
Further information: maaker[at]
United Kingdom / Canterbury
University of Kent / School of Anthropology and Conservation
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The third year undergraduate Visual Anthropology Theory course prepares students for the more practical photographic or video project in the following term. The MA in Visual Anthropology teaches practical media skills at the same time at integrating social and visual anthropology. Visual options can be taken by students taking other MA courses.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / research with photography / photographic praxis / research with film / film praxis
Further information: M.S.Poltorak[at]
United Kingdom / London
University College London / Dep. of Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- In the first term the core course will introduce students to recent ethnographic writing on visual, material and digital culture, explore the contribution of key thinkers in the field and engage a number of key theoretical paradigms. The second term students will be presented with a wide range of case studies highlighting material culture in the wider world - ranging from art, through photography, clothing, consumption, cultural memory, monuments and the built environment with a view to exploring how these might be illuminated from a material culture perspective.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / / visual studies / / photographic praxis / /
Further information: james.emmanuel[at]
United Kingdom / London
Goldsmiths, University of London / Dept. of Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The Centre of Visual Anthropology is part of the Department of Anthropology at Goldsmiths and its emergence reflects various research themes in the Department as well as postgraduate programmes involving photography, filmmaking, museum studies and anthropology. The Centre provides a strong focus for current departmental research initiatives in visual theory and practice.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / visual studies / research with photography / photographic praxis / research with film / film praxis
Further information: s.nugent[at]
United Kingdom / London
University of London / Goldsmiths College
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The Department offers visual anthropology practice and theory instruction at undergraduate, Masters and PhD levels and doctoral and post-doctoral research-based production and maintains its own production facilities, seminar and screening programs
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
BA-level - MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology pgt/MA/ma_visual_anthropology.html
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / photographic praxis / / film praxis
Further information: s.nugent[at]
United Kingdom / Manchester
University of Manchester / Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, Social Anthropology, School of Social Sciences
Information on University Department / Organisation
- Theoretical and practical courses at all postgr levels.
MA primarily in ethnographic film-making offered since 1988, new photographic and sound pathway added in 2003.
PhD in Social Anthropology using visual media offered since 1996.
Entirely practice-based MPhil in Ethnographic Documentary introduced in 2006.
Summer short course introduced in 2009.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level - PhD-level
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
an PhD in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / / / photographic praxis / / film praxis
Further information: granada.centre[at]
United Kingdom / Oxford
University of Oxford / Institute for Social & Cultural Anthropology
Information on University Department / Organisation
- The MSc/MPhil programme in Visual, Material, and Museum Anthropology consolidates long-standing graduate degree programmes in Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (MAME) and Visual Anthropology (VA), recognizing the intellectual and empirical links between these areas of anthropological enquiry.
There are introductory courses in Visual Anthropology on:
- MA-level -
There is a possibility to do
an MA in Visual Anthropology or with emphasis in Visual Anthropology
The courses focus mainly on: theory / methodology / visual studies / / / /
Further information: marcus.banks[at]