Early-Career Anthropologists Initiative
The EASA Executive Committee invites all members to take part in a new initiative whose goal is to seek ways of strengthening EASA's role in helping early-career anthropologists navigate both the available and the yet-to-be-created (or discovered) opportunities for anthropologists in Europe today. We are launching this project with a discussion panel in Tallinn designed as a forum for exchange on career prospects and concerns of early-career anthropologists from an international perspective specific to European anthropology. The panel and discussion forum, Anthropology as a Vocation and Occupation, will take place on August 3, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. On behalf of the EASA Executive Committee the conveners warmly welcome all members to attend this meeting and/or to write to us with comments and suggestions.
For questions about the panel and the initiative, please contact: Hana Cervinkova (hana(AT)post.pl) or Karolina Follis (k.follis(AT)lancaster.ac.uk)