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EASA series of webinars

The findings of the survey of members, looking particularly at precarity and workload, were published at the end of 2020.
In late November 2020, as a result of the activities of two consequent executive committees and in collaboration with members of the PrecAnthro group, a complete survey report was published:
Fotta, M., Ivancheva, M., & Pernes, R. (2020). The anthropological career in Europe: A complete report on the EASA membership survey. NomadIT.
The report was first launched at an EASA webinar on the 27th of November. A number of topics were discussed by report authors and EASA members, such as the rising precarity and soaring workloads that affect a growing number of anthropologists in Europe and beyond.
The report has already received attention and has been discussed by anthropologists as part of a special collection on FocaalBlog and further dissemination is in the planning, including Mariya Ivancheva's presentation at ISE's webinar, dedicated to EU funding, and in relation to ISE's position paper on precarity and research careers.