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2. Preparing for the conference in Belfast 26-29th of July 2022

EASA2022 Belfast Conference

This year’s conference has attracted over 1750 delegates, of which a significant 44% will be online, participating remotely. This embracing of hybridity is a result of many factors, including covid infection rate, illness and concern; travel chaos due to Covid and Brexit; travel cost inflation due to Covid, Brexit and War; the cost of living crisis affecting many countries; as well as the precarious employment structure of the discipline, the possibilities exposed by lockdown, a concern for carbon-footprint and a shortage of time. All those participating are asked to remember ‘the other’ as we try to deliver an event which works for all.

The conference is upon us and all information can be found on the website:

It’s worth pointing out that there will not be a printed conference programme book, so it’s worth getting used to the website programme now.

We’d ask the 150 who still need to settle their registration invoices and the 60 who need to settle their membership invoices to do so NOW, so as to smooth entry into the event - be it f2f or online. Those who haven’t sorted this in advance will either lose time queuing at reception and then the NomadIT office (where they’ll be asked to pay in GBP cash), or queuing within the website chat-bot (where we’ll ask you to pay by card).

Registration remains open so members can still register to attend, either online or in person, but invoices must be settled more or less immediately.