8. Elections of new Easa exec members: Call for candidates
The term of office of the elected members of the present Executive Committee of EASA is coming to an end. We invite applications/nominations from members to stand for election.

The term of office of the elected members of the present Executive Committee of EASA is coming to an end. We invite applications/nominations from members to stand for election. Candidates must be nominated and supported by two members.
EASA is a self-governing democratic body. The EASA Executive is made up of seven EASA members, five of whom are elected on a biennial basis. The composition of successive Executive Committees shows the pan-European character and remit of EASA. Candidates for election as Trustees must be a resident of Europe or primarily affiliated with a European institution, and their nomination must be supported by another member. All members are strongly encouraged to consider standing for election in order to support a flourishing and scholarly society and European discipline.
By convention the elected members of the Exec with the highest numbers of votes become President and Vice-President. Other roles within the current Exec include Networks Liaison, Lobbying, PrecAnthro liaison and Publications liaison. On average Exec members spend about one to two days a month (from 0-5hrs/week) on EASA business, depending on their role, but this can greatly vary from role to role and from period to period - for example, the months preceding the conference are always busy. The Exec meets virtually on a regular basis and everyday business is conducted via email and Rocket Chat. Key roles for the committee include overseeing the biennial conference, supporting EASA networks, defending the interests of members (e.g. by investigating working conditions within the academy), supporting precarious scholars and undertaking anti-precarity lobbying and other policy priorities, working with other European associations, and promoting the work of the association and the discipline more broadly.
EASA is registered with the UK’s Companies House and with the Charity Commission. As such it is bound by its constitution, relevant laws and EASA adheres to guidance on proper governance.
We will publish the list of candidates shortly after closing the deadline to submit candidatures on 30 November. Online vote will take place from 15 December until 16 January. The results will be made available the day after. The handover meeting for the new Executive Committee will take place in March 2025 in Poznan.
Any interested members who would like to know more about the job or the nomination process are free to contact the Secretary (monica.heintz(at)gmail.com), or other current executive committee members whose email addresses can be obtained from the EASA membership directory.
Nominations should be emailed to the Secretary comprising name, name of nominating member, name of supporting member, a short text (<200 words) which is partly biographical and partly about what you would like to do/see happen as part of the Exec, and a portrait image.