Celebrating the European Anthropology Days
Anthropologies and Solidarities
on the isle of Ireland and beyond
Wednesday, 26 February 2025, online, 17.00-19.00
Organised under the European Anthropology Days initiative promoted by the European Association of Social Anthropologists, the online event comprises a short film screening, followed by a conversation between anthropologists established in Ireland on the broader theme of solidarities. The conversation will explore how anthropologists address forms of solidarity in a time where rights – those of migrants, of women, of LGBTQI+, of refugees, and many others – are under attack globally.
The event will shed light on how anthropologists based in Ireland mobilise anthropological knowledge in their research, as well as in their involvement in multiple forms of activism both on the island and in other contexts. The questions we want to address are:
- What does it mean to be an anthropologist in Ireland and beyond at this particular moment in time?
- What does the anthropological sensibility bring to the engagement in forms of solidarity across the island and beyond?
- What can anthropology contribute to current struggles locally and globally?
- How is the question of the separation between academic anthropology and activism seen from the perspective of anthropologists involved in forms of solidarity?
- How can anthropology inform our visions for more just futures, both on the island of Ireland and globally?
Register for the online event here >>
Short film screening: Ordinary Treasures: Objects from Home
More info on the film can be found here >>
Speakers in conversation (alphabetically):
- Dr. Ana Ivasiuc, Teaching Fellow, University College Dublin and President of the European Association of Social Anthropologists
- Dr. Nasrin Khandoker, Postdoctoral Researcher, University College Cork and PrecAnthro Collective
- Dr. Chiara Magliacane, Postdoctoral Researcher, Queen’s University Belfast
- Dr. Fiona Murphy, Assistant Professor, Dublin City University
- Dr. Máire Ní Mhórdha, Critical Skills Tutor, Maynooth University
- Dr. Abayomi Ogunsanya, Community Educator, An Cosán and South East Technological University, Carlow
- Sara O’Rourke, PhD researcher, Maynooth University
- Dr. Ernesto Vásquez del Águila, Assistant Professor in Social Justice, University College Dublin