Events of the Anthropology of Security Network
EASA2022 panel P166: (In)Security - What's the State Got to Do with it? [Anthropology of Security Network]
Wednesday 27 July, 2022, Belfast
Convenors: Alexandra Schwell (University of Klagenfurt), Ana Ivasiuc (Maynooth University), Monika Weissensteiner
EASA2020 panel P116: The Future in Security: ethnographies of security at the edge of tomorrow [Anthropology of Security Network]
Tuesday 21 July, 2020, Lisbon
Convenors: Mark Maguire (Maynooth University), Alexandra Schwell (University of Klagenfurt) and Monika Weissensteiner (University of Kent)
EASA2020 panel P077: Securitized Education: critical perceptions on the entanglements between military, security and education [Anthropology of Security Network, Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology PACSA]
Wednesday 22 July, 2020, Lisbon
Convenors: Erella Grassiani (University of Amsterdam) and Nir Gazit (Ruppin Academic Center)
Security and Morality: Critical Anthropological Perspectives
University of Oslo, March 28 – 29, 2019
The ASN Conference “Security and Morality: Critical Anthropological Perspectives” was held on March 28 – 29, 2019, at the University of Oslo. The conference provided a productive platform to explore security through a focus on morality and to share and exchange on research-projects at different stages. Participants greatly welcomed the conference topic and opportunity to analyse the security-morality nexus in their respective fields of research on counter-terrorism, humanitarianism, biker-clubs, migration control, policing, ‘community’ cohesion, victim-support programs and more. The topic also opened a space for reflections about the ethical challenges in doing research in a politically and morally highly charged field.
Meeting: The making of peace, conflict and security: the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion
Anthropology of Security network held a joint meeting with the The Peace and Conflict studies in Anthropology network (PACSA) in Amsterdam, 28-30 August. The conference had more than 150 participants, attending 20 panels.
Workshop: Spaces of Security
Maynooth, Ireland from 24 - 27th April 2016
Network members, alongside the well-known anthropologist Seth Low, received Wenner-Gren Foundation funding for this workshop. The workshop included participants such as Setha Low, Joseph Masco, Daniel Goldstein, Catherine Lutz and Katherine Verdery, Zoltan Gluck, Mark Maguire (host) and others.
Panel: Spaces of security Panel in cooperation with EASA's PACSA network at EASA2016 in Milan
Convenors Nils Zurawski (Universität Hamburg) Alexandra Schwell (University of Hamburg) email Silja Klepp (University of Bremen)
Panel: Bodies of evidence, experts, and intimacy in the anthropology of security EASA conference
in Tallinn 2014
The successes of the activities and discussions in our 2013 workshop (see below) led us to organize a panel at EASA 2014 in Tallinn on “Bodies of evidence, experts, and intimacy in the anthropology of security”.
Contributors included Gregory Feldman (Simon Fraser University) on “law, ethics, and an undercover police surveillance team”; “Human trafficking: the pivotal role played by the victims” by Desirée Pangerc (CIELS University Campus); “Suspicious bodies: camouflaged legality and tactics of security on the Argentina-Paraguay border” a paper by Ieva Jusionyte (University of Florida), and “Securitized immigration and the laboring body in the United States” by Daniel Goldstein (Rutgers University). There followed two papers on detention: “How serious is it?” Managing heavy diseases in a French immigration detention center” by Nicolas Fischer (Centre d’étude du droit et des institutions pénales), and Welcome to the myopticon: uncertain surveillance, removability and care in the Danish asylum system” by Zachary Whyte (University of Copenhagen); then Monika Weissensteiner’s paper “Evidence of pain: medico-legal expertise on torture within asylum proceedings”. The programme closed with presentations by Catarina Frois, Alexandra Schwell, Nadja Maurer, and Mark Maguire.
Network Meeting at EASA conference in Tallinn 2014.
During EASA 2014 we held a network meeting attended by dozens of interested anthropologists and several members of the PACSA- Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology network interested in future collaborations. We agreed to explore a number of new avenues of research (partly in collaboration), set up a listserve and web presence.
Bodies of Evidence – December 10, 2013
Participants: Christina Garsten (Stockholm), Nils Zurawski (Hamburg), Mark Maguire (NUIM), Christopher Farrands
(Nottingham), Ursula Rao (Leipzig), Giovanni Ercolani (Nottingham), Zachary Whyte (Copenhagen)
Keynote: Jean Comaroff, Alfred North Whitehead Professor of African and African American Studies and of
Anthropology, Oppenheimer Research Fellow, Harvard University
Securing Europe: Anthropological Perspectives – March 28-9, 2011(Sponsored by the IRCHSS)Participants: Gregory Feldman (Simon Frazer), Susana Durão (ICS/UL), Daniel Goldstein (Rutgers) Ines Hasselberg (Sussex), Nicolas Fischer (CNRS), Catarina Frois (Lisbon)