Letter from our Book Series Editor

Eeva Berglund
The EASA book series showcases work by Association members, both in monographs and edited collections. The latest publication in the series is Florian Mühlfried’s monograph, Being a State and States of Being in Highland Georgia, which was published in May 2014. Proposals for new books can be submitted for volumes concerned with any worthwhile issue of anthropological concern.
The EASA series is published by Berghahn books, a highly respected name in scholarly publishing. Prospective authors should, however, first contact me since I have been appointed by the EASA to oversee this series. Find out more at www.easaonline.org/bookseri.shtml. If you are thinking of publishing your work, that is where you will find instructions on how to prepare and submit a proposal to the series. However, I’m happy to answer questions and make suggestions in person via email as well. Don’t hesitate to contact me on eeva.berglund(at)helsinki.fi.
If you are going to the AAA in Washington DC in December, you could also come and talk in person. Bearing in mind the scale of operations there, an email in advance will no doubt be helpful in pinning down a place and a time to actually meet.
Publishing is always a collective affair. Grateful thanks to the following people for their help with the series:
Andrés Barrera Gonzalez, Laura Bear, Mette Berg, Åsa Boholm, Glenn Bowman, Elena Calvo Gonzalez, Martin Clayton, Chiara Fonio, Anselma Gallinat, Bruce Grant, Nina Gren, Jeff Halper, Chris Hann, Monica Heintz, Peter Hervik , Anna Horolets, Andrew Irving, Gemma John, Paul C. Johnson, Barbara Rose Johnston, Don Kalb, Peter Wynn Kirby, Are Knudsen, Anne Le Huérou, Winnie Lem, Carola Lentz, Claudia Liebelt, Erik de Maaker, Sabina Magliocco, Bill Maurer , Liz McFall , Lotte Meinert, David Mills , Isak Niehaus, Carolyn Nordstrom, Robin Ostow, Deborah Reed-Danahay, Regina Römhild, Minas Samatas, Steven Sampson, Alison Shaw, Valeria Siniscalchi, Emmanouil Spyridakis, Renita Thedvall, Robert Thornton, Gavan Titley, Vera Trappmann, Stéphane Voell, Christina Welch, Pnina Werbner, Amy Whitehead, Rosemary Zumwalt, Nilz Zurawski.