Elections for a New Executive

The term of office of the elected members of the present Executive Committee is coming to an end. We invite applications/nominations from voting members* to stand for election.
The following members of the present Executive Committee must stand down: Jeanette Edwards, Abdullahi El-Tom, Mark Maguire, Susana Narotzky and Noel Salazar.
Candidates must be 'voting' members*, and any candidature has to be nominated and supported by 'voting' members.
*Associate and student members are NOT 'voting' members.
Applications must comprise:
- A short personal presentation (max. 150 words);
- A picture of the candidate;
- The name of the nominating member;
- The name of the supporting member.
Members interested in submitting their candidature are invited to email their application to the Secretary, by 5th December.
We will publish the list of candidates in mid-December, and the online vote will take place from 7th-18th January. The results will be announced a week later and the Executive committee handover meeting will take place in mid-March in Milan.
Any interested members who would like to know more about the job or the nomination process are free to contact current executive committee members whose email addresses can be obtained from the EASA membership directory.