Call for proposals for Biennial Conference 2018
The EASA Executive Committee welcomes and encourages institutions wishing to host the next EASA Conference (2018) to submit their interest as early as possible and before 1 April 2016. Hearings will be held during the EASA Conference in Milan for EASA2018. For organisational matters, consult the EASA website and/or contact easa(AT) Application procedure:
- The host institution has to be a Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, connected to a University;
- The person submitting the application must be a member of EASA;
- The application consists of:
- Letter of approval of the President | Rector of the University acknowledging institutional support;
- Letter of approval of the Head of Department acknowledging support of the unit;
- Short description of the premises: size of the largest hall (for Opening Ceremony, Keynote, Plenary Sessions, Round Tables, Members’ Forum and Closing Ceremony), number of lecture and seminar rooms for workshops and various meetings; accommodation facilities;
- Charges the institution will levy on the use of the venue
- Best time(s) for the conference given the local situation (between early July and mid-September);
- Applications can be submitted any time – please provide information for which year you are applying: the earlier the better, preferably three years ahead of the next Biennial Conference.
- Applications should be sent to the Secretary of the Association, alberto.corsin-jimenez(at)
- The Executive Committee, however, is free to approach a candidate of its choice.
- The Executive Committee decides after hearings with possible candidates.