EASA Newsletter No 83 Spring 2023
Table of contents
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1. Outgoing and incoming Presidents' Letters

EASA Outgoing President’s Letter (Mariya Ivancheva, 2021-23) and EASA New President’s Letter (Ana Ivasiuc, 2023-25)
2. EASA’s new executive committee

Ana Ivasiuc, president, Alexandra Oanca, vice-president, David Mills, treasurer, Monica Heintz, secretary, Dominic Bryan, Hege Høyer Leivestad and Roger Sansi.
3. News from networks

LAWNET, Anthropology of History (NAoH), The European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA), Medical Anthropology Youth Scholars (MAYS), Anthropology of Fascisms (ANTHROFA), EASA Anthropology of Economy Network (AoE), EASA Muslim Worlds Network, Age and Generations Network (AGENET), EASA Anthropology and Mobility Network (ANTHROMOB), Anthropology of peace, conflict and security network
4. Integrity Committee

The Committee is crowd-sourcing information on means to counter sexual harassment in academic settings
5. Join EASA’s Integrity committee

Call for members to join the committee, which provides an independent voice and offers guidance on issues of academic integrity brought to it by one or more members of EASA