5. Join EASA’s Integrity committee
Call for members to join the committee, which provides an independent voice and offers guidance on issues of academic integrity brought to it by one or more members of EASA

In 2020, EASA created an Integrity Committee. It provides an independent voice and offers guidance on issues of academic integrity brought to it by one or more members of EASA. The committee can make recommendations to the EASA Executive Committee.
Membership includes the EASA President (or their nominee) and another member of the EASA Exec committee, a member nominated by the Exec and two EASA members nominated (and elected, as needed) by the membership for four years.
In its first two years, it responded to a number of queries, commissioned a report on the role of academic ombudsman in the context of sexual harassment, and hosted a workshop on harassment at EASA 2022.
Two current members of the committee (Alice Tilche and Insa Koch) are stepping down, and nominations are invited from members with an expertise or interest in these issues.
Its terms of reference can be found on the EASA website: https://www.easaonline.org/newsletter/78-0321/call.shtml. If you would like to nominate a member (or yourself), please send a CV and covering letter to the Secretary by the 26th of May (monica.heintz@gmail.com).