7. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale
Call to action for EASA’s journal!

EASA and our publisher, Berghahn, are delighted to have transitioned Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale (Volume 31) to open access in 2023. However, we wish to remind you that ongoing library support is crucial to the success of the Subscribe-to Open model and we need your help!
Please support Social Anthropology and the Subscribe-to Open mission of equity and sustainability by encouraging your institution’s library to subscribe. Recommend the journal to your library by using this e-form or contact your library team directly, which is preferable. We highly recommend contacting your anthropology subject librarian, serials/acquisitions librarian and the scholarly communications team, if one exists.
S2O benefits include:
An opportunity for authors to publish without paying APCs which promotes equity and diversity in scholarly research
Uses existing workflows for seamless ordering and access logistics for libraries and publishers
Provides open content to researchers with limited access to scholarly resources
Since the transition to Subscribe-to Open in 2022, nearly 50 contributors have published research articles in Social Anthropology without paying APCs and 41 open access research articles have been published to date. In addition, nearly 90 total contributors have been able to take advantage of publishing open content (articles and other research output) through the initiative.
View full details about the journal here: www.berghahnjournals.com/saas
Be sure to browse the first 2023 issue here: https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/saas/31/1/saas.31.issue-1.xml
Please let Berghahn know if you are unsure if your library currently subscribes.