5. Annual General Meeting of the members of the Association
All members are welcome to attend (online).

The 2023 EASA AGM will take place online on the 21st of December 14-16:00 CET.
Please join us by registering via this link.
All registered members will receive reminders on the AGM and also unique link to participate at the online event. If you register and have not received the participation invitation email, please contact membership(at)easaonline.org
1. Welcome
2. Minutes of previous AGM held in Belfast
3. Annual Reports and Accounts
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer: receipt of accounts for year to 31/12/2022
- Journal
- Book series
- Networks
- Public anthropology
- Lobbying
- Emerging issues
- Ethics and Integrity Committee
4. Any other business - any motions received:
Motion to create a Working Group on Human Rights and Academic Freedom